“Better To Write For Yourself And Have No Public Than To Write For The Public And Have No Self” –Cyril Connolly


Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Just set the tone for writing my blog, I put on some classical music courtesy of Galaxie radio. I am beginning to like it in regular situations. You are probably wondering what I am referring to; I use to only listen to it in times of extreme stress & chaos. I would put it on and fall a sleep to it in the background. It was a great tool for distressing. However, I also found it to be helpfully calming & assist with my creativity.

Well another day has come and gone, faster than the day before, time is flying already and it seems this year is crazily going by. Think it’s just that I am getting older. Today class started at 9:30am with Learning Strategies. We were given our syllabus for the semester. We finished up the block with a fun activity. We were asked to do self-portraits. It was done on a piece of poster board paper. These types of lessons are my favorite. This project pretty much took us up to our lunch break.

When we returned we were given our First Nations Studies 101 textbooks. So now we have all 3-textbooks. The text is done by Oxford and the title is “Visions of the heart Canadian aboriginal issues” third edition By: David Long & Olive Patricia Dickson. We were all asked to select a chapter to research and present to class, thank goodness I chose chapter 9 “First Nations Woman in Canada” my paper isn’t due until March 7th. The last part of class we went over a power point presentation and talked about “Talking Circles” We finished up a little early as we did not receive our textbooks until today.

At the very end of the day, my professor said that a different professor would like to see me in her office.
I immediately had a heart attack followed by a hot flash, needless to say I felt nervous. But it was just a general concern. Nothing major, but let me tell ya my head took me back to the days when I was not the most favorable student (Ha that’s putting it mildly to say the least) Those days a long behind me, I am not that person anymore, I am ready to apply myself after all I am PAYNG for my education now!

I was heading home for the day when I bumped into a family friend who just so happens to be a police officer. He always asks if I am still living at my current address as it it’s particularly known to the local law enforcement. AKA I live in a building that is HIGHLY (no pun intended) populated with drug dealers and all round criminals. There have been 2 homicides in my building lobby & a meth lab went on fire the day I moved in! But I keep to myself, and nothing bad has ever happened to me (knock on wood lol) well what can I say the rent is cheap, and the location is optimal.

Anyways it’s getting late and this gal needs to go to bed as I am in for (supposedly another full day of classes tomorrow) we will see bout that LOL jus jk. Until then, sleep well everyone and have a great day tomorrow.       

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