An important key factor for you to know is that I was 9 years old when I started drinking. I drank Crown Royal straight up. After all we covet what we know...right?! I quit drinking when I was 24 years old. So thats 15 years of my life all used up. So thats OVER half my life. But to my credit its pretty awesome that I quite drinking at 24, seriously most people are just getting started. Nope not me I'm retiring the party girl/bad girl.
I first discovered A.A in 1999, keep in mind this is way before the celebrities made it hip to go to rehab (Example: Lindsay Lohan, Amy Winehouse which may I add that she is now dead cause she didn't stay in rehab) I went to my very first treatment facility. It was located in Vancouver on E.Hastings & Nanaimo. I got kicked out on my own accord, I smoked a roach that I found amongst my stuff, being the incredibly smart person that I was I smoked it n the smoke pit. I was asked to leave just a few days before commencement. It was typical Jenni fashion, I'd give you the impression that I was doing well then rip the carpet out from underneath ya.
So lets fast track this a bit, its now 2007 the final days of my infamous drinking career or so we call it in the program of Bill.W. I can look back now without cringing, but trust me it took quite a lot of treatment/recovery boot camp/many-a-sessions with my A&D counselor & outside therapy to get to this point. I did recovery boot camp, serious hard core shit man no doubt!! There was no pussy footing around, no sugar coating, no wasting time. I did 6 weeks of day treatment followed by 6 weeks of residential treatment. I was put through the ringer. I was stripped bare, raw, exposed, all the lie's where gone, there was only my semi clear foggy mind and still a strong desire to do it my way (which brought me to this point in my life to begin with) I was stuck with 36 other woman in a hospital wing in Vancouver, let me tell you I was ripping my hair out at the end of the 6 weeks. I learnt a lot about my self and I learnt about who I wasn't. I straight up told people to there face "hey I don't like/hate you leave me alone." After I left treatment about 6 months or so later I was permanently no longer in contact with anyone that I had met in treatment, which my A&D says is perfectly normal. I wish I could tell you that right after I left residential treatment (for the second time) that I stayed sober & clean. But I was still running on self will, which like usual got me into a whole new world of trouble (which used to be my name, people would say "Here comes trouble with a capitol T").
I ended back drinking and hitting a whole new low. I was extremely selfish and had this gravitational pull on all the people in my life. One of my last benders was absolutely horrible! What I am about to tell you isn't from my own recollection. It's from everyone who was a witness to my hideous behavior. I drank one of those jumbo size wine bottles really fast, personally I don't remember any of this. But I tried to keep myself cooped up in my apartment, I was by myself, thought it was a good idea that way no one would be witness to my foolish actions and none of my drinkin buddies wanted to drink with me anymore, go figure. Well that whole plan blew up in my pretty little face. I ended up getting board out of my mind and decided to go for a little stroll in my apartment building IN MY UNDERWEAR! Yeah great just great! I didn't get to far, I was roaming around my apartment lobby and ended up making a huge scene. I went outside in the middle of winter there was snow and ice and I slipped and hit my head on the curb. The building manager's came out and took care of me while they tried to contact someone who could come and take care of me. They asked me for a contact number and I ended up giving them my boyfriend's (at the time) mom's cell phone number. By now the cops had shown up and took over and my kind/sweet building manager's had given me a blanket to cover me up and keep me warm. But wait that's not the end of it, it's just the beginning. After the police had contacted my mother in law, they called: Jay, Marilyn, Paul, Tammi & my mom. This was mid-day so everyone was at work. I had a special talent of ruining everyone's day.
Here is the link to the second link:
My Program (Continued from Nov.8.2011)