“Better To Write For Yourself And Have No Public Than To Write For The Public And Have No Self” –Cyril Connolly



Welcome to VanCityGirl83’s blog. My name is Jennifer Anne Harrison, friends call me Jennie. I am the youngest sister of older brothers, this refers to my birth order (The book that talks about birth order, Family Ties That Bind By: Dr. Ronald W. Richardson). I am a Capricorn, artist, writer, student, cat lover, camping enthusiast, passionate about American muscle cars from classics to current and in particular Mustangs, caffeine junkie & movie goer.

I am new to blogging. I started one while back but nothing came of it. I believe at that time I was not ready to commit to it. Second time round, I was ready; I saw it as an opportunity for a creative outlet in a social way. My blog reflects me. I don’t sensor things, I tell it like it is, just like I would if we were standing face to face. Something else that I wanted to mention is, I do not post for the sake of posting, so that equals no posting every day. This is a bit unconventional, however this also ensures quality posts, every post! This is of the up most importance to me.

Before I started this blog, I had no idea what to do other than the basic's writing a post, using the sites easily customizable templates and back grounds. I have branched out, I looked to blogs that I follow for inspiration (mostly from Rebecca Bollwit aka Miss604) amongst other blogs as well. I learnt about things like embedding videos and resizing them to fit my blog, editing HTML code and adding social plug-ins from Facebook, Twitter & YouTube. I had no idea how to link everything together, but I did it. I envisioned what I wanted and literally would not stop until I attained it. Now I am learning about AdSense, I get the basics but not to sure where I want to go with that?

Well I hope you enjoy my blog, if you want to know me better or stay in touch with me/see what I am up to then keep posted. I mostly blog about my life and everything that goes on in it, which sometimes aint much. But isn't that life? lol Every square inch of this blog has been handcrafted/selected by me, I am the sole owner and operator of this blog, I am a writer as I have mentioned earlier, so most of the material that I publish is mine, however some of it is not, I post lyrics from artists, movie scripts whatever moves me, which is a lot, I draw inspiration from many mediums.

Please feel free to subscribe, comment, like, favorite, share or message me, I would love to hear from you :D