Ravens are the largest songbirds in North America. Ravens are often referred to by some indigenous tribes as the 'secret keepers' and are the subject of many stories. Their ebony black color is sometimes associated with darkness. Ravens are very intelligent and are able mimic the sounds other birds and can squawk out some human words. Ravens are found in many different regions and climates.
• The raven spirit guide is not chosen by those who seek its wisdom. The raven only comes to those to whom it may speak in private and share its secrets with the knowledge its mysteries will be well guarded by one who already possesses wisdom.
• The raven is known as the 'Secret Keeper by some native tribes because of their way of silently perching near people and 'listening' to conversations then flying away in a flutter shrieking an eerie sound or mimicking a human word. Because of their inky black color they are linked to a place where fear and secrets are kept.
• When sun shines on the ravens shiny body it sometimes reflects many colours is therefore sometimes said it has the ability to transform itself, especially when it makes the call of another species. If the raven is seen in dreams or visions it may mean significant changes are about to take place.
• Ravens are intelligent and can be seen in the wild 'instructing' other birds and animals. From the raven we may learn ways to become better teachers and understand the languages of many.
• Regardless of common European belief, the raven is not an omen of death and should never be feared as its messages are those that can benefit the listener. The Creator did not make any evil creatures on Mother Earth.
• Because of ravens ability to make a variety of sounds and high pitched vibrations are known to alter consciousness, the raven is sometimes credited with the ability to transform, move into other dimensions or to shape shift. We may expect frequent changes if the raven is perched on your shoulder.
The puma is also known as jaguar, panther, cougar, mountain lion, cheetah, leopard and more names than just about any other mammal. Male pumas are solitary cats and their domains vary in size between 30 to 125 miles, but ranges do overlap the ranges of the smaller female. Pumas 'communicate' with each other by leaving feces, urine, and scratches on logs or in the dirt or snow. Only females make a den and males tend to roam. Pumas are powerfully built and have sharp paws and large paws. Even though they can run very fast and have a flexible spine to help them maneuver around obstacles and change direction quickly, pumas are mostly ambush hunters. Pumas have been known to down large elks and moose. American Indians successfully lived beside the puma and appreciated their power and grace.
• Though the puma is smaller, some species are fiercer than lions and tigers. They are expert climbers and swimmers. Their speed holds the teachings of quick decisive action.
• Pumas are graceful and fast runners, but not for long distances. If puma arrives at your doorstep it may be a reminder to measure or pace your movements according to the goal to be achieved and not run too hard.
• The puma have over 410 voluntary muscles that can be used when the needed. This characteristic symbolizes the ability to move into different realities.
• Pumas have a built-in sensor that enhances its ability to see and feel its prey. The whiskers and hair on its face can detect faint vibrations at long distances and its sense of smell is phenomenal. If you sense puma in your dreams it may mean there is a need to be more sensitive the people and situations around you. Becoming more perceptive of ones surroundings is sometimes needed to achieve a heightened sense of spiritual awareness.
• The Puma spirit represents power, grace and stealth in darkness, but its real power lies in the silence of its eerie, unblinking stare that seems to bore deep into one's soul. This teaching can help us to discover the benefits of concentration, deep contemplation and prayer. As we peer into the darkness of the unknown to feel its power, we can be guided by our puma friend to the light on the other side.
• The puma is extremely quiet during the hunt. It knows when to be invisible and when to make its awesome presence known. Silence is its sword and power. Silence is highly respected among American Indians and is seen as a holy state of consciousness as we quietly behold the grace and glory of the Creator. It is said that silence speaks words of the Great Mystery. When the student is ready, the puma teacher may bring knowledge of this powerful medicine.
Visionary Power and Guardianship
Cycle of Power: Spring and Fall Equinoxes; New Moon
Hawk is the Messenger, the Protector and the Visionary of the air. Along with Owl, it has the keenest eyes of the raptors. This powerful bird can awaken the Visionary within you, and lead to your life purpose. It is the Messenger, and when it shows up pay attention: there is always a message coming. Once Hawk shows up, it will stay with you permanently. This powerful bird can awaken your visionary power, open your higher chakras to hear the messages of the Universe and lead you to your life purpose. Also look for Raven to precede or accompany Hawk when it presents itself to you.
There are many types of hawks found throughout the world, and each has medicine specific to their individual types. However, there are characteristics that apply to all hawks that will be addressed here. Red-tail Hawks are the most numerous of the hawk family. The color red symbolizes the “kundalini,” the seat of the primal life force, the root chakra (sexuality). Once activated the Hawk may enter and start to show you how to move toward your soul/life purpose more dynamically by empowering and fulfilling your visions.
Hawk teaches you how to soar to great heights while keeping your feet firmly on the ground, to grow spiritually, to live in this earth plane but not be a part of it but to expand to much greater dimensions. As smaller birds occasionally attack hawks, you are likely to be attacked by smaller people who do not understand your lofty beliefs or gifts. These people may try to impede your great ability to soar, to keep you grounded in their version of reality.
Because of this strong Hawk energy, this intensified life force activated by this totem, you must be careful how you express yourself. As the Hawk, you will develop the ability to use your words as he uses his beak and talons to rip the heads off snakes; i.e., the enemies or disbelievers in your life. Be mindful of your words so as not to shred those who oppose you, but take the higher road and fly above them and their way of thinking. Deliver your messages with tact and patience.
The average life span of a hawk is up to 14 years. This is significant. The Temperance Card is Trumps 14 in the Major Arcana of the Tarot. This card represents balance and flow, a good mix or combination, and the teaching of higher expression of psychic abilities and vision. It is also tied to archetypal forces that teach beauty, harmony and moderation that hold the keys to a higher level of consciousness; to access the Christ within yourself and develop its energies in order to fulfill your soul purpose in this life time.
The sky is Hawk’s realm, and through its flight it communicates with Heaven and the Great Creator Spirit, and conveys that knowledge to Earth: Hawk medicine unites Heaven and Earth.
The wolf has been much misunderstood and maligned in history and is not the vicious intruder of western fairy tales. The wolf is a shy, yet very sociable creature with strong rules of behaviour. Fear of the wolf is perhaps born when its eerie howl raises the hackles on our neck and in our souls. Maybe we do not fear the wolf at all, but only the wild nature within ourselves. To American Indians, the wolf is said to be "teacher" medicine. We study wolfs ways of hunting and their social structure. The wolf is associated with the Dog Star, Sirus and some cultures belief humans came from this distant star. Wolf populations are threatened in the lower 48 states, but abundant in Alaska and Canada. Wolf has much to teach us, if only we will listen.
• Wolves live in a communal structure like humans. The Alpha male and female lead a strict social order. Next in the order are Beta wolves that do not breed and serve as nursemaids for pups of the pack. The Omega wolf is at the bottom rung and is the 'scapegoat' in situations when the pack is being attacked. Often the Omega wolf is forced not to eat when food is scarce. If wolf has entered the forest of your mind, it may be to teach you that all things in nature have order amid chaos and to accept your duties in life, whether they be leadership roles or otherwise, with humility and strength.
• The wolf spirit teaches us to have balance between your personal needs and those of the family and community. Wolves are absolutely committed and loyal to the pack and find their place within the group. If wolf exhibits these traits, it may mean that you must examine your function within the community and loyalty. It may also be a sign to bring better balance to the varied interests of self, family and community.
• The hunting techniques of wolves served as an example for many tribes who copied them. Members of the pack form 'tag teams' who take turns chasing prey to exhaust the preys before themselves. Packs are known to have run over thirty miles a day in pursuit. Cooperation in achieving a common goal is the message conveyed here.
• Wolves have developed many ways to communicate by body language and vocally. Facial expressions, tail and ear movements, body posture, teeth bearing, eye squinting and scratching are part of their vocabulary. Vocally, a wide variety of growls, yelps, whines and howls make up a sophisticated system of communication. Wolf language helps the pack to identify and locate its members, establish territorial boundaries, give instruction, request assistance, sound warnings, teach the young, and generally to bring cohesion and unity to the pack. If a wolf or wolves have entered your physic, you are fortunate to have an animal spirit to know the importance of communication and one that will find many ways to make their messages know to you. This ability to communicate may be a sign to hone your own speaking skills to effectively relate your feelings and ideas in a good way - to pray, sing and dance in praise of the blessings of the Creator.
• When a lone wolf is seen the wild it symbolizes freedom. When seen in a pack it represents community. If wolf appears to you alone or in a pack it is asking you to acquire the same within your own life.
• The primal and piercing howl of the wolf sometimes is marking their territory boundaries. If you hear a wolf howl it might be telling you to stand your ground and defend your boundaries.
• Wolves have great stamina and strength. They do not fight needlessly and often avoid fighting whenever possible. Wolf teaches to know who you are and to develop strength and confidence.
• Wolf is associated with the lunar influences and energies that rule psychic perception. They teach us to respect our emotions and face the darkness within.
• The wolf is ritualistic. It knows the importance of regular lunar howling ceremonies and daily social rituals designed to communicate needs and express feelings. The message of your wolf spirit may be to honor the forces of spirituality and connect with the life forces of Mother Earth.
Weasels are very quick ground dwelling meat eaters. They are solitary night hunters, often killing more than they eat. Rodents and chickens are its favorite diet. Weasels are also known as ermine in cold regions and are related to ferrets, mink and polecats. The weasel is agile, hard-muscled and has a cunning, yet sometimes playful mind. They are stealthy, fierce and relentless hunters.
• People who know weasel medicine have exceptional opportunity to learn powers of close observation. Searching out the meaning and cause of events, situations or problems is a positive trait of the weasel. Seeing beneath the surface of things enables the weasel spirit to contemplate deeper meanings. However, sometimes this trait can have a negative affect because seeing too deeply can be burden.
• Weasel teaches us to trust our instincts to achieve higher awareness and quietly seek resolutions to problems.
• The long, thin and lustrous body of the weasel allows it to move easily in small, narrow places. Part of the medicine of the weasel spirit is to help you find ways to negotiate through difficult, tight conditions.
• As solitary hunters, the weasel relies on cunning, graceful and silent movements to move close to its prey. This medicine is a gift of patience, knowledge and peace.
• Weasel often overestimates his abilities during the hunt and becomes vulnerable to counterattack and defeat. Walking with the weasel spirit teaches the power of discernment and modesty.
• Weasel is a fierce, relentless and sometimes reckless warrior who is often saved by its great agility and speed.
• As a fearless warrior, a weasel grabs the throat of its victim and quickly severs its arteries with sharp teeth and strong jaws - teaching those who seek the weasel to be less aggressive in relationships and show mercy in word and deed.
• It is said the weasel is a loner who has no code of honor as they often kill more than they can eat and sometimes steal the food of others. This medicine teaches us not to be wasteful and careless of others feelings and to respect the rights and property of our neighbors.
The ant is a very hard worker and conscientious in every detail of its work. They live in huge communities where most tasks are delegated to individuals who form work groups to carry out various activities of hunting, gathering, nesting and nursery, habitat construction, and protection. The ant accepts its position within its community without question and is totally dedicated and loyal throughout its lifetime to the entire community.
• The ant people are wonderful builders and architects. They can show us ways to build a reality based on our dreams.
• Ants are determined and relentless in pursuit of their mission. If the ant people come to visit you, it may be this quality they will teach.
• Solidarity and collaboration are keys to the success of the ant. Every individual in the community does its duty to ensure the welfare of the whole colony, regardless of its personal safety or how long it must labor. The ant spirit teaches us teamwork and loyalty.
• Ants are unselfish and sacrifice themselves to benefit the community. Learning this valuable lesson of the ant can be the greatest of all gifts.
• Honor and respect are the hallmarks of the ant people.
• Ants are tireless workers and hunters and teach the art of perseverance and patience in all that they do. Those with this spirit will find that many of their life lessons will involve the mastery of patience in some way.
• Ant medicine is subtle yet powerful. It teaches us how to release our egos and aligns us with the virtue of equality. Imagine what the world would be like if humanity held and applied the values that the ant expresses. The next time you step on, squash, injure or kill an ant intentionally, ask yourself why you are choosing to destroy the unconditional love that the ant shares so freely. Valuable insights about yourself and your history can be learned from this tiny little totem.
The Swan is one of the most powerful
and ancient of totems.
As you begin to realize your own true beauty,
you unfold the ability to bridge new realms and new powers.
Swan can show you how to access the inner beauty
within yourself and in others.
A Swan totem heralds a time of altered states of awareness
and the development of intuitive abilities.
Swan people have the ability to see the future,
and to accept the healing and transformation
that is beginning in their lives.
Accept your ability and go with the flow.
Stop denying you know who is calling when the phone rings.
Pay attention to your hunches and inner knowledge,
and Swan medicine will work through you.
The Swan's call teaches the mysteries of song and poetry,
for these touch the child and the beauty within.
The heron is part of the family of birds known as "waders". They live and feed in marshlands and in shallow waters, and are often confused with cranes and storks. The heron carries a strong message, and it takes a very special person to live with heron medicine.
You are strong and aggressive, determine your own course in life and rely upon yourself. You find a comfortable balance in the "shifting sands" of life for you are able to see opportunity where many would not look twice. You know what is best for you, and have the courage to follow your own path.
You are a person who does not need the security of a 9 to 5 job, pension plan, group insurance and the assurance that every day will be the same. You are one of those rare breeds that can live on the razor's edge of life, and have an in-born instinct about what will and what won't work for you. You are happiest when you are exploring many things, learning many skills, and are often known as a "jack of all trades". While this may give the impression that you are flighty and irresponsible, quite the opposite is true. If one thing fails you, you have an assortment of knowledge and skills to fall back on. You are never without, and adapt into new working situations with ease.
While you enjoy a social life, it is not a necessary part of your existence for you are quite at home alone, with your own thoughts and devices. You are comfortable with yourself, and have no need to be surrounded by people. You are not impressed with status symbols, or accumulating "things", and have no need or desire to play the game of "keeping up with the Joneses".
The great blue heron is the "boss bird", the king of the marshes. It is the tallest of the herons, and the most powerful in flight. It hunts with a slow, deliberate, stalking stride that seems to tell everything else to stand aside. If you are attracted to the blue, you approach new opportunities with even more aggression. You know what is best for you, and will not allow anyone else to change your path.
Heron medicine is strong and courageous. It is not afraid to take responsibility for every aspect of life. It will never pass the buck, or deny an act or deed. It is the totem of character and strong will, but it will never use those gifts to bully or take advantage of others. If you know someone who is afraid to take control of their life, introduce the heron. It could make a difference.
American Indians see the eagle as a sacred messenger that carries prayers to the Creator and returns with gifts and visions. We use eagles feathers to connect to this majestic and powerful spirit guide, as we know the eagle feather holds cleansing and healing powers. The eagle is seen by many cultures as a symbol of courage, vision, strength and endurance.
• Eagles need isolation in the wild to propagate and prosper. This teaches us that we have a singular walk in life and must face life on its terms.
• Freedom is vital to the survival of the eagle and this teaches us that all people must be free to choose their own paths; to worship as the Creator leads them; and to respect the freedom of others.
• As a lesson in balance and equality, both female and male eagles care for their young.
• The Eagle teaches how to master the art of patience and how to move through life without material attachments from their ability to sit for long hours perched on a limb in meditation.
• Eagles have excellent hearing and can hunt as much by ear as by sight. To those to whom eagle comes, the ability to hear spiritually and psychically will awaken.
• Eagles have sharp beaks and strong jaws that can remove a finger in one snap. The eagle tells us to mind our words and how they affect others; to speak kindly without sharp rancor.
• Eagles are renowned for their superior vision, ten times greater than human eyesight. This quality is a gift of vision and clarity that should be used to help others through dark and troubling times.
• One who seeks the eagle spirit views situations and other people from a broad perspective for better understanding just as the eagle sees the world from a its great height.
• The eagle is a creature of the air, but has strong legs to walk on the earth and often lives near the water for food. These qualities of the eagle teach us to maintain balance in all dimensions to achieve inner-growth. As we soar to spiritual awareness, we remain well grounded in reality as we purify ourselves with the cleansing waters.
• The eagle teaches us to have the courage to strive for greater heights of spirituality. The Eagle is seen by American Indians as a connection to the Great Mystery - The Creator of all things.
Ravens are the largest songbirds in North America. Ravens are often referred to by some indigenous tribes as the 'secret keepers' and are the subject of many stories. Their ebony black color is sometimes associated with darkness. Ravens are very intelligent and are able mimic the sounds other birds and can squawk out some human words. Ravens are found in many different regions and climates.
• The raven spirit guide is not chosen by those who seek its wisdom. The raven only comes to those to whom it may speak in private and share its secrets with the knowledge its mysteries will be well guarded by one who already possesses wisdom.
• The raven is known as the 'Secret Keeper by some native tribes because of their way of silently perching near people and 'listening' to conversations then flying away in a flutter shrieking an eerie sound or mimicking a human word. Because of their inky black color they are linked to a place where fear and secrets are kept.
• When sun shines on the ravens shiny body it sometimes reflects many colours is therefore sometimes said it has the ability to transform itself, especially when it makes the call of another species. If the raven is seen in dreams or visions it may mean significant changes are about to take place.
• Ravens are intelligent and can be seen in the wild 'instructing' other birds and animals. From the raven we may learn ways to become better teachers and understand the languages of many.
• Regardless of common European belief, the raven is not an omen of death and should never be feared as its messages are those that can benefit the listener. The Creator did not make any evil creatures on Mother Earth.
• Because of ravens ability to make a variety of sounds and high pitched vibrations are known to alter consciousness, the raven is sometimes credited with the ability to transform, move into other dimensions or to shape shift. We may expect frequent changes if the raven is perched on your shoulder.
The puma is also known as jaguar, panther, cougar, mountain lion, cheetah, leopard and more names than just about any other mammal. Male pumas are solitary cats and their domains vary in size between 30 to 125 miles, but ranges do overlap the ranges of the smaller female. Pumas 'communicate' with each other by leaving feces, urine, and scratches on logs or in the dirt or snow. Only females make a den and males tend to roam. Pumas are powerfully built and have sharp paws and large paws. Even though they can run very fast and have a flexible spine to help them maneuver around obstacles and change direction quickly, pumas are mostly ambush hunters. Pumas have been known to down large elks and moose. American Indians successfully lived beside the puma and appreciated their power and grace.
• Though the puma is smaller, some species are fiercer than lions and tigers. They are expert climbers and swimmers. Their speed holds the teachings of quick decisive action.
• Pumas are graceful and fast runners, but not for long distances. If puma arrives at your doorstep it may be a reminder to measure or pace your movements according to the goal to be achieved and not run too hard.
• The puma have over 410 voluntary muscles that can be used when the needed. This characteristic symbolizes the ability to move into different realities.
• Pumas have a built-in sensor that enhances its ability to see and feel its prey. The whiskers and hair on its face can detect faint vibrations at long distances and its sense of smell is phenomenal. If you sense puma in your dreams it may mean there is a need to be more sensitive the people and situations around you. Becoming more perceptive of ones surroundings is sometimes needed to achieve a heightened sense of spiritual awareness.
• The Puma spirit represents power, grace and stealth in darkness, but its real power lies in the silence of its eerie, unblinking stare that seems to bore deep into one's soul. This teaching can help us to discover the benefits of concentration, deep contemplation and prayer. As we peer into the darkness of the unknown to feel its power, we can be guided by our puma friend to the light on the other side.
• The puma is extremely quiet during the hunt. It knows when to be invisible and when to make its awesome presence known. Silence is its sword and power. Silence is highly respected among American Indians and is seen as a holy state of consciousness as we quietly behold the grace and glory of the Creator. It is said that silence speaks words of the Great Mystery. When the student is ready, the puma teacher may bring knowledge of this powerful medicine.
Visionary Power and Guardianship
Cycle of Power: Spring and Fall Equinoxes; New Moon
Hawk is the Messenger, the Protector and the Visionary of the air. Along with Owl, it has the keenest eyes of the raptors. This powerful bird can awaken the Visionary within you, and lead to your life purpose. It is the Messenger, and when it shows up pay attention: there is always a message coming. Once Hawk shows up, it will stay with you permanently. This powerful bird can awaken your visionary power, open your higher chakras to hear the messages of the Universe and lead you to your life purpose. Also look for Raven to precede or accompany Hawk when it presents itself to you.
There are many types of hawks found throughout the world, and each has medicine specific to their individual types. However, there are characteristics that apply to all hawks that will be addressed here. Red-tail Hawks are the most numerous of the hawk family. The color red symbolizes the “kundalini,” the seat of the primal life force, the root chakra (sexuality). Once activated the Hawk may enter and start to show you how to move toward your soul/life purpose more dynamically by empowering and fulfilling your visions.
Hawk teaches you how to soar to great heights while keeping your feet firmly on the ground, to grow spiritually, to live in this earth plane but not be a part of it but to expand to much greater dimensions. As smaller birds occasionally attack hawks, you are likely to be attacked by smaller people who do not understand your lofty beliefs or gifts. These people may try to impede your great ability to soar, to keep you grounded in their version of reality.
Because of this strong Hawk energy, this intensified life force activated by this totem, you must be careful how you express yourself. As the Hawk, you will develop the ability to use your words as he uses his beak and talons to rip the heads off snakes; i.e., the enemies or disbelievers in your life. Be mindful of your words so as not to shred those who oppose you, but take the higher road and fly above them and their way of thinking. Deliver your messages with tact and patience.
The average life span of a hawk is up to 14 years. This is significant. The Temperance Card is Trumps 14 in the Major Arcana of the Tarot. This card represents balance and flow, a good mix or combination, and the teaching of higher expression of psychic abilities and vision. It is also tied to archetypal forces that teach beauty, harmony and moderation that hold the keys to a higher level of consciousness; to access the Christ within yourself and develop its energies in order to fulfill your soul purpose in this life time.
The sky is Hawk’s realm, and through its flight it communicates with Heaven and the Great Creator Spirit, and conveys that knowledge to Earth: Hawk medicine unites Heaven and Earth.
The wolf has been much misunderstood and maligned in history and is not the vicious intruder of western fairy tales. The wolf is a shy, yet very sociable creature with strong rules of behaviour. Fear of the wolf is perhaps born when its eerie howl raises the hackles on our neck and in our souls. Maybe we do not fear the wolf at all, but only the wild nature within ourselves. To American Indians, the wolf is said to be "teacher" medicine. We study wolfs ways of hunting and their social structure. The wolf is associated with the Dog Star, Sirus and some cultures belief humans came from this distant star. Wolf populations are threatened in the lower 48 states, but abundant in Alaska and Canada. Wolf has much to teach us, if only we will listen.
• Wolves live in a communal structure like humans. The Alpha male and female lead a strict social order. Next in the order are Beta wolves that do not breed and serve as nursemaids for pups of the pack. The Omega wolf is at the bottom rung and is the 'scapegoat' in situations when the pack is being attacked. Often the Omega wolf is forced not to eat when food is scarce. If wolf has entered the forest of your mind, it may be to teach you that all things in nature have order amid chaos and to accept your duties in life, whether they be leadership roles or otherwise, with humility and strength.
• The wolf spirit teaches us to have balance between your personal needs and those of the family and community. Wolves are absolutely committed and loyal to the pack and find their place within the group. If wolf exhibits these traits, it may mean that you must examine your function within the community and loyalty. It may also be a sign to bring better balance to the varied interests of self, family and community.
• The hunting techniques of wolves served as an example for many tribes who copied them. Members of the pack form 'tag teams' who take turns chasing prey to exhaust the preys before themselves. Packs are known to have run over thirty miles a day in pursuit. Cooperation in achieving a common goal is the message conveyed here.
• Wolves have developed many ways to communicate by body language and vocally. Facial expressions, tail and ear movements, body posture, teeth bearing, eye squinting and scratching are part of their vocabulary. Vocally, a wide variety of growls, yelps, whines and howls make up a sophisticated system of communication. Wolf language helps the pack to identify and locate its members, establish territorial boundaries, give instruction, request assistance, sound warnings, teach the young, and generally to bring cohesion and unity to the pack. If a wolf or wolves have entered your physic, you are fortunate to have an animal spirit to know the importance of communication and one that will find many ways to make their messages know to you. This ability to communicate may be a sign to hone your own speaking skills to effectively relate your feelings and ideas in a good way - to pray, sing and dance in praise of the blessings of the Creator.
• When a lone wolf is seen the wild it symbolizes freedom. When seen in a pack it represents community. If wolf appears to you alone or in a pack it is asking you to acquire the same within your own life.
• The primal and piercing howl of the wolf sometimes is marking their territory boundaries. If you hear a wolf howl it might be telling you to stand your ground and defend your boundaries.
• Wolves have great stamina and strength. They do not fight needlessly and often avoid fighting whenever possible. Wolf teaches to know who you are and to develop strength and confidence.
• Wolf is associated with the lunar influences and energies that rule psychic perception. They teach us to respect our emotions and face the darkness within.
• The wolf is ritualistic. It knows the importance of regular lunar howling ceremonies and daily social rituals designed to communicate needs and express feelings. The message of your wolf spirit may be to honor the forces of spirituality and connect with the life forces of Mother Earth.
Weasels are very quick ground dwelling meat eaters. They are solitary night hunters, often killing more than they eat. Rodents and chickens are its favorite diet. Weasels are also known as ermine in cold regions and are related to ferrets, mink and polecats. The weasel is agile, hard-muscled and has a cunning, yet sometimes playful mind. They are stealthy, fierce and relentless hunters.
• People who know weasel medicine have exceptional opportunity to learn powers of close observation. Searching out the meaning and cause of events, situations or problems is a positive trait of the weasel. Seeing beneath the surface of things enables the weasel spirit to contemplate deeper meanings. However, sometimes this trait can have a negative affect because seeing too deeply can be burden.
• Weasel teaches us to trust our instincts to achieve higher awareness and quietly seek resolutions to problems.
• The long, thin and lustrous body of the weasel allows it to move easily in small, narrow places. Part of the medicine of the weasel spirit is to help you find ways to negotiate through difficult, tight conditions.
• As solitary hunters, the weasel relies on cunning, graceful and silent movements to move close to its prey. This medicine is a gift of patience, knowledge and peace.
• Weasel often overestimates his abilities during the hunt and becomes vulnerable to counterattack and defeat. Walking with the weasel spirit teaches the power of discernment and modesty.
• Weasel is a fierce, relentless and sometimes reckless warrior who is often saved by its great agility and speed.
• As a fearless warrior, a weasel grabs the throat of its victim and quickly severs its arteries with sharp teeth and strong jaws - teaching those who seek the weasel to be less aggressive in relationships and show mercy in word and deed.
• It is said the weasel is a loner who has no code of honor as they often kill more than they can eat and sometimes steal the food of others. This medicine teaches us not to be wasteful and careless of others feelings and to respect the rights and property of our neighbors.
The ant is a very hard worker and conscientious in every detail of its work. They live in huge communities where most tasks are delegated to individuals who form work groups to carry out various activities of hunting, gathering, nesting and nursery, habitat construction, and protection. The ant accepts its position within its community without question and is totally dedicated and loyal throughout its lifetime to the entire community.
• The ant people are wonderful builders and architects. They can show us ways to build a reality based on our dreams.
• Ants are determined and relentless in pursuit of their mission. If the ant people come to visit you, it may be this quality they will teach.
• Solidarity and collaboration are keys to the success of the ant. Every individual in the community does its duty to ensure the welfare of the whole colony, regardless of its personal safety or how long it must labor. The ant spirit teaches us teamwork and loyalty.
• Ants are unselfish and sacrifice themselves to benefit the community. Learning this valuable lesson of the ant can be the greatest of all gifts.
• Honor and respect are the hallmarks of the ant people.
• Ants are tireless workers and hunters and teach the art of perseverance and patience in all that they do. Those with this spirit will find that many of their life lessons will involve the mastery of patience in some way.
• Ant medicine is subtle yet powerful. It teaches us how to release our egos and aligns us with the virtue of equality. Imagine what the world would be like if humanity held and applied the values that the ant expresses. The next time you step on, squash, injure or kill an ant intentionally, ask yourself why you are choosing to destroy the unconditional love that the ant shares so freely. Valuable insights about yourself and your history can be learned from this tiny little totem.
The Swan is one of the most powerful
and ancient of totems.
As you begin to realize your own true beauty,
you unfold the ability to bridge new realms and new powers.
Swan can show you how to access the inner beauty
within yourself and in others.
A Swan totem heralds a time of altered states of awareness
and the development of intuitive abilities.
Swan people have the ability to see the future,
and to accept the healing and transformation
that is beginning in their lives.
Accept your ability and go with the flow.
Stop denying you know who is calling when the phone rings.
Pay attention to your hunches and inner knowledge,
and Swan medicine will work through you.
The Swan's call teaches the mysteries of song and poetry,
for these touch the child and the beauty within.
The heron is part of the family of birds known as "waders". They live and feed in marshlands and in shallow waters, and are often confused with cranes and storks. The heron carries a strong message, and it takes a very special person to live with heron medicine.
You are strong and aggressive, determine your own course in life and rely upon yourself. You find a comfortable balance in the "shifting sands" of life for you are able to see opportunity where many would not look twice. You know what is best for you, and have the courage to follow your own path.
You are a person who does not need the security of a 9 to 5 job, pension plan, group insurance and the assurance that every day will be the same. You are one of those rare breeds that can live on the razor's edge of life, and have an in-born instinct about what will and what won't work for you. You are happiest when you are exploring many things, learning many skills, and are often known as a "jack of all trades". While this may give the impression that you are flighty and irresponsible, quite the opposite is true. If one thing fails you, you have an assortment of knowledge and skills to fall back on. You are never without, and adapt into new working situations with ease.
While you enjoy a social life, it is not a necessary part of your existence for you are quite at home alone, with your own thoughts and devices. You are comfortable with yourself, and have no need to be surrounded by people. You are not impressed with status symbols, or accumulating "things", and have no need or desire to play the game of "keeping up with the Joneses".
The great blue heron is the "boss bird", the king of the marshes. It is the tallest of the herons, and the most powerful in flight. It hunts with a slow, deliberate, stalking stride that seems to tell everything else to stand aside. If you are attracted to the blue, you approach new opportunities with even more aggression. You know what is best for you, and will not allow anyone else to change your path.
Heron medicine is strong and courageous. It is not afraid to take responsibility for every aspect of life. It will never pass the buck, or deny an act or deed. It is the totem of character and strong will, but it will never use those gifts to bully or take advantage of others. If you know someone who is afraid to take control of their life, introduce the heron. It could make a difference.
American Indians see the eagle as a sacred messenger that carries prayers to the Creator and returns with gifts and visions. We use eagles feathers to connect to this majestic and powerful spirit guide, as we know the eagle feather holds cleansing and healing powers. The eagle is seen by many cultures as a symbol of courage, vision, strength and endurance.
• Eagles need isolation in the wild to propagate and prosper. This teaches us that we have a singular walk in life and must face life on its terms.
• Freedom is vital to the survival of the eagle and this teaches us that all people must be free to choose their own paths; to worship as the Creator leads them; and to respect the freedom of others.
• As a lesson in balance and equality, both female and male eagles care for their young.
• The Eagle teaches how to master the art of patience and how to move through life without material attachments from their ability to sit for long hours perched on a limb in meditation.
• Eagles have excellent hearing and can hunt as much by ear as by sight. To those to whom eagle comes, the ability to hear spiritually and psychically will awaken.
• Eagles have sharp beaks and strong jaws that can remove a finger in one snap. The eagle tells us to mind our words and how they affect others; to speak kindly without sharp rancor.
• Eagles are renowned for their superior vision, ten times greater than human eyesight. This quality is a gift of vision and clarity that should be used to help others through dark and troubling times.
• One who seeks the eagle spirit views situations and other people from a broad perspective for better understanding just as the eagle sees the world from a its great height.
• The eagle is a creature of the air, but has strong legs to walk on the earth and often lives near the water for food. These qualities of the eagle teach us to maintain balance in all dimensions to achieve inner-growth. As we soar to spiritual awareness, we remain well grounded in reality as we purify ourselves with the cleansing waters.
• The eagle teaches us to have the courage to strive for greater heights of spirituality. The Eagle is seen by American Indians as a connection to the Great Mystery - The Creator of all things.