“Better To Write For Yourself And Have No Public Than To Write For The Public And Have No Self” –Cyril Connolly


Friday, December 16, 2011

Continual Education

When you have the world in the palm of your hands, you realize that all of a sudden you have a lot to loose. I guess I never believed/had the confidence in myself to go any further, I simply felt that quitting drinking was enough for me at the time. But little did I know I was selling myself short.

Just recently I have embarked on a new and exciting journey to a higher education. Going back to school is a HUGE fear of mine I have so much social stigma around it. Hmm your probably wondering what I mean about that let me explain.

School for me:

-I moved half way through grade 5 from Delta to White Rock, instantly becoming the black sheep (literally) in a new school. In an environment where pretty much all the native kids lived on the reserve, where as I did not.
-I always felt different and as a result trying to fit in, I tried many different ways. I became a nerd, getting good grades and being smart, and all the other kids that where like that got totally victimized, so I stopped doing that.
-So being a smart nerd that led to exile, so I decided to become a bad ass. Which seemed to work for me.
-In elementary school I started skipping class, stealing (money,smokes,candy,alcohol)I was getting suspended and almost expelled. My grades plummeted. I started getting drunk in class, blacking out and remembering nothing. I mean who want to remember being victimized?
-My dad use to help me with math, which I was not that good at. But my dad being a carpenter math was essential. So it came natural to him. We spent many a hour learning and doing math.
-School was more of a social hub/place to get away from home (gowd I make it sound horrible, but it was of my own doing, I was constantly breaking curfew, and doing bad stuff, which lead me to being grounded, but I would still go out anyways)
-I was always at school but never in school, I was always high or drunk or just skippin out hangin out in the smoke pit, or roaming around White Rock
-I went to 2 Elementary Schools (Devon Garden’s & South Meridian), 2 High Schools (Earl Marriot & Semiahmoo) & 3 Learning Center’s (A.Y.P, Guildford & Cloverdale)

I’m guessing you get the point by now a lot of negative association in and around school. I cant tell you how many attempts I have made at going to school, I would come up against on obstacle and at that moment, just didn’t have it in me to continue pursuing.

So this time around I broke it down step by step:

Ø  First was learning about it online
Ø  Second was applying online
Ø  Third was waiting to be contacted for an interview should my application be picked
Ø  Forth was getting the email saying they are interested in meeting me face to face at the campus
Ø  Fifth was going in for the interview and giving everything I got (which I believe I nailed it, totally connected with both the interviewers)
Ø  Sixth was waiting to hear if I had been selected as one of the final 14 to take the class
Ø  Seventh was receiving an email & letter of approval into the program
Ø  Eighth was getting the funding in order either through my band or student loan
Ø  Ninth was contacting my actual band in Williams Lake and speaking with S.I.B educational coordinator (Stone Indian Band, my rez)
Ø  Tenth was getting SFU to fax over information up to my band office about the program and waiting to hear back from S.I.B (time was of the essence)
Ø  Eleventh was calling and leaving a message for S.I.B asking if they received the fax & if they had come to a decision on my application
Ø  Twelfth was calling again the next day and actually talking with the actual S.I.B educational coordinator and telling her I needed and answer as my tuition fee was due as of Dec.19th she said there is no way that they could have it ready by then, I said “I absolutely understand, I don’t need it right away but a letter or statement simply stating that I would be approved & receive funding would suffice". I also mentioned that my books are covered by the tuition and that I would greatly appreciate any help that she could provide that this is a huge positive step for me, she approved me on the spot and said she needed me to send my grades once I have completed the courses
Ø  Thirteenth was awaiting for S.I.B to send the letter of approval of funding to SFU and then hearing from SFU that they have received the email/fax
Ø  Fourteenth was SFU calling me telling me that they did receive the confirmation of funding and that I am good to go come January.

WOW now that I have wrote down what I had to do, I am really proud of myself that I stuck it out and kept with it, I was a little worried in the end that I would not get funding and it would have all been for nothing. That was not the case, its just when you want something so bad and you go through all the work to make it happen you realize that a lot is at stake. Well that concludes my story on how I am going to university hope you enjoyed it as I have enjoyed telling it. 


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