“Better To Write For Yourself And Have No Public Than To Write For The Public And Have No Self” –Cyril Connolly


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

How The Eagle Feather Found Me

A couple of years ago, I got it in my head that I wanted to posses an eagle feather. But I had no idea how to go about it. One day I was walking in Bear Creek Park and saw an eagle’s nest. So every day I would go looking all around the tree where the eagles nested and thought if I were persistent enough that I would eventually find one. But I never did. I felt sad and a little let down, but in our culture (Native Culture) you have to earn it.

So much time goes by and I ended up on the phone with my mother, we were shootin the sh*t, and out of nowhere she tells me she has something for me. Though she was very vague to say the least I did not think anything of it.

So one day very soon after our conversation together I head over to my mums for dinner & Dexter, it’s our thing. I spend the whole day with her (well anytime after 12pm) and we watch movies & eat junk food & dinner. So she pulls out this elongated envelope it’s about the size of one of those manila folders, she says careful as you open it. I must admit I felt a lil uneasy (not sure why, but when someone says something like that you never know what to expect) I slowly and delicately open it and low and behold is this beautiful, powerful, angelic feather. It was a feather of a Bald Eagle, I felt overwhelmed with happiness, joy and healing energy. Which is exactly what it represents. Gaining a eagle feather is a positive omen showing that you have passed a huge milestone within your life and I have. At that moment I felt like all the trial's and tribulations of my life had finally made sense. It came down to this moment. All this time I was seeking a Bald Eagle feather, all the while it was seeking me on its journey to me. How amazing is that?!

So I asked my mom how the heck do you come across this?? It was totally unexpected and out of the blue, but apparently a relative had over herd my talking about my story of looking for one every day at Bear Creek Park, and decided to get one for me. Isn’t it funny how life works, if you let go of the rein’s the most wonderful things happen.     

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