“Better To Write For Yourself And Have No Public Than To Write For The Public And Have No Self” –Cyril Connolly


Sunday, September 09, 2012


Had photography lab today, it was interesting. We did this ridiculous activity we had to think of an action that started with the first letter in our name, and act it out. It was totally awkward, I hate interactive stuff like that, like what is it elementary school. Not all of uses are there to make friends and be social. Well not me, I want to get good grades, if I meet some new people along the way then that’s cool I don’t like games.

We had about 30-40 minutes to go around campus and take pictures. All around it was OK. I am more interested in the actual projects and work, but you know what they say ‘you got learn how to crawl, before you can walk’ so with that in mind I am going to continue with an open mind. Though I defiantly have my own, personal, strong opinions.

Lets see what next class will bring. Next class, History of Cinema 1 at the Goldcorp. Center downtown aka the old Woodward’s building. Until next post.

–XOXO VanCityGirl83 

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