“Better To Write For Yourself And Have No Public Than To Write For The Public And Have No Self” –Cyril Connolly


Sunday, September 16, 2012

September 16

...no society of men and woman ever had a more urgent need for continuous effectiveness and permanent unity. We alcoholics see that we must work together and hang together, else most of us will finally die alone.


Just as the Twelve Steps of A.A. are written in a specific sequence for a reason, so it is with the Twelve Traditions. The Fist Step and The First Tradition attempt to install in me enough humility to allow me a chance at survival. Together they are the basic foundation upon which the Steps and Traditions that follow are built. It is a process of ego deflation which allows me to grow as an individual through the Steps, and as a contributing members of a group through the Traditions. Full acceptance of the First Tradition allows me to set aside personal ambitions, fear and anger when they are in conflict with the common good, thus permitting me to work with others for our mutual survival. Without Tradition One I stand little chance of maintaining the unity required to work with others effectively, and I also stand to lose the remaining Traditions, the Fellowship, and my life.

My Own Reflection

Upon reading this, it installs the basic principles within me again. I often forget that through humility and no ego that I can live a happy meaningful life. Though we are all victims of taking our will and our lives back, we must give them over to something greater than ourselves, for we surely do not know what ‘we’ need, we cloud our own judgment. Once you surrender and let go, you will be amazed at what happens, often it is greater/better than you could have ever imagined for yourself. Of this, I am sure though it is not always easy to do. You know what they say “Practice not perfection” oh those darn slogans, it took me forever to figure out what the heck they were talking about/meant.

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