“Better To Write For Yourself And Have No Public Than To Write For The Public And Have No Self” –Cyril Connolly


Friday, January 27, 2012


Well yesterday had its up-n-downs! I had to wait an hour and a half in the pouring rain. Great fun to be had by all. I was wearing a rainproof jacket. And had a hoodie, but no umbrella and my school bag was not waterproof, so all my books were waterlogged!! Really sucked a**. I mean the books belong to me but I still don’t like my school textbooks wet!
Some people have no compassion what so ever. I started at the secondary line where you are given a password to get in faster (I was given the password!!!!) I finally got inside and the lady said you’re in the wrong line. She sent me out into the pouring rain. What a heartless b*t*h!!! I hope karma kicks her in the you know what!

So I missed the first part of class as my appointment ran longer than expected. People, places and things continue to test me and bring my to my limit. But I am not going anywhere! I have already been to hell and back, so I am pretty confident in my ability to handle whatever hurdles come my way.

The second part of my day was pretty good (still talking about yesterday) I went from Surrey to Delta, had to pay my dentist bill. After I drove down Ladner Trunk Rd and threw the tunnel and saw about 20 Eagles & Hawk’s & 2 Great Blue Heroin’s. Those three birds are my totem animals.

Well my drive took me all over the lower main land and I ended up down on W.4th in Vancouver down by all the snowboard shops, I was on the search/quest for a new back pack. But not just any back pack it had to be Dakine! I found one at Billabong, its bright blue and actually is a men’s backpack but it was way cheaper than the woman’s design that I wanted which was $64, then men’s one was $44. I ended up parked right in front of Chronic Taco’s which I have heard a lot about. So I got one for dinner, it was ok nothing special. Actually earlier this week I went to Mucho Burrito and it was AMAZING. Primo ingredients. The vibe at Chronic taco’s is like those weird misfits that don’t even fit in with the misfits and it looks like they haven’t showered in a while and they wear grungy ugly clothes. OK I am being judgmental, but sorry if I have standards on the people who serve me food.

So all this happened right after I left school and I didn’t end up coming home until like 7pm! Kinda late ay! Anyways I puttered around doin miscellaneous stuff before I started on my homework and other things. So that pretty much brings us up to date. I’m going to dive into today.


So today I was up pretty early had a nice hot shower, woke up pretty cold, which is unusual for me as I am normally boiling hot. I just pray that I am not getting sick. You know cause I was out in the rain for just under 2 hours yesterday.

So we had math first block I was seriously considering calling in sick today. Due to the math overload. But today there was a break through; my classmates helped me out as well as the teacher. Damn fractions I hate math!! I almost would rather fail and not have to deal with this then to continue, but I am not going to do that. I’m more just speaking out loud. I just get so frustrated with myself for not getting it. I really wanted to just get up and leave, fight or flight mode. But I am not that person anymore, I don’t run from my problems anymore, I face them and continue to challenge myself. Its not always fun, and I don’t necessarily want to do it all the time.

We finished up class bout 10 minutes early, which I really liked. It sounds horrible but its not that I don’t like my teacher, I just don’t like math. I am still keeping and open mind, but I am super happy that we do not have math until next Thursday. All week next week we have English! My favorite. I absolutely cannot wait to delve more deeply into it.

We had a 2-hour lunch, which was fine. I went to the deli or the little grocery mart thing in the mall and bought: 6 bananas, 3 apples, grapes & carrots for lunch. I felt kinda like a rabbit eating all that healthy stuff but it was a nice change that’s for sure. We finished up the day with Englsih, which was awesome.

I am learning a lot about Indigenous issues and am starting to get a clearer picture of what has happened to our culture, but we can get into that in the next few posts. Well I am off for now, gotta go to sleep. Last school day of the week tomorrow! WOW cant believe that we are at the end of week 4! Time is flying… 

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