“Better To Write For Yourself And Have No Public Than To Write For The Public And Have No Self” –Cyril Connolly


Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Well I made it threw today. It was rough. I got a math overload, and reached a breaking point today. I just feel so frustrated, and stupid, and loosing patience with myself. I am really trying to grasp this, and I feel like an utter idiot cause there are others I’m my class who are already familiar with this. They blurt out the answers not really giving those of us (mostly me) who don’t know what they are doing a chance to figure it out the answer. I don’t know what to think, think it’s just my frustration talking.

University is not for the faint of heart that’s for sure. I am so glad that I grabbed this opportunity, but it’s going to have its ups and downs. Right now I’m down. Something that I am learning about myself is that I don’t linger in the negative for to long, first I feel it (the emotions) then I move right along to the proactive side. After all the stressful stuff that I went threw today I managed to come up with not only one action plan, but also two and three! How amazing is that.

I have been threw a lot worse in my life and came threw shining (that’s something my dad would say) and I will with this too. All day today all I could think about was how I was gonna rant about my horrible day on my blog post. But when I got home from studying. It occurred to me that all day all I wanted to do was give up go home call it quits. BUT I didn’t! I stuck with it, I persevered I finished my day I completed my homework, even though my brain was so fried from all day at school! Now I con look at what I have done. To tell you the truth I am really proud of myself.

So that concludes todays post, hope you all had a wonderful day. Tomorrow is a new day and a new way! TTYL     

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