“Better To Write For Yourself And Have No Public Than To Write For The Public And Have No Self” –Cyril Connolly


Friday, January 13, 2012


So week two has come to an end. I can safely say that my body has finally adjusted to this massive change in lifestyle. I am getting back into the swing of things, at times it was a definite shock, but in a good way. Let me tell you this, it has been over a decade since I have last been in class. I have a slight feeling of dread when I think about math, still! But I am still willing to keep an open mind and be gentle with myself should & if I do not get a concept right away. I am very grateful to have tutors at my disposal as well. In regards to English, I don’t ever recall enjoying the subject so much. I am very keen to learn and relearn what I once knew, or knew and lost over the years.

What did we cover today? I bet is the question looming in your mind. Well today we had Independent Study from 9am-10am. Then from 10am-12pm we had Learning Strategies. In the Learning Strategies we went to the SFU campus library and got our cards activated, so we are now able to check out materials. We were given an assignment to check out a book that may or may not be helpful to our future studies. We all went back to our classroom and then we were asked to look for citations, footnotes or bibliographies. I ended up checking out 3 different books, none of which had either of what we were looking for. The whole point of the assignment was to use our brains & strategies to find & identify the authors sources, or in my books case lack there of (I’m not saying that the authors of the books I checked out were lacking, just that I was lacking in picking out a book that had them, hehe my bad, gowd I am such a bad student, I’m just joking around know lol) So that was a neat task, we got to revisit the library which is beautiful and has an amazing view. Oh I went into the student commons room, which I like, it’s quit and has a cool breeze due to the fact that there are actual windows within the classroom. There are also resources, computers, multiple tables and semi comfy chairs near the back wall of the room. After our first task at the library we had a quick break. Followed by the second half of Learning Strategies. Oh I am forgetting the mini game we played at the very beginning. It was a team version of Rock, Paper, Scissors! We had 8 people in class so we broke up into teams of 4 and each group would figure out separately which they would like to play against the opposing team, for every lose a team member would have to go to the other team, and this continued until one team won. It was fun. OK back to the second part of Learning Strategies, after break we had a scavenger hunt, once again we would break up into groups of 3 and each person was given a task. One person kept time; one person wrote things down & one to navigate. But ultimately we all had to work together to find what was written down on the sheet of paper we were all given. Example would be, where is the Student Commons area, where is it, and additional information. You were given a point for each piece of additional information. Unfortunately we had less than 20 minutes to do it and had to all be back in class before time was up. So it kinda felt like a mad race against time, lol!! But it was fun.

So that brings us up to lunch. We had a 1.5-hour lunch break. Kinda long I know. We had a math tutor that was coming in from 1:30pm-3:30pm. It was great to put a face to the name. He gave us a great resource to use online, in regards to tutorials and helpful videos covering topic's that we might have questions about, or could use when we are not on campus. However we have not completed a full lecture in class (according to the syllabus) I am not complaining at all by any means. What we have covered was plenty for me, to take in this week. I must say that our instructor, is amazing, he takes the time to continuously explain to us what we do not understand and he will hit it form a different angle if we are still not getting it. On a funny note, when our tutor came in today he was very friendly and polite and asked the class “Where about are you guys mathematically” I spoke up and said “Well last class it took our whole class to finish/complete A single Sudoku puzzle, and then proceeded to laugh. He took it very well, as did the rest of the class. Anyways getting back to our tutoring session today, we have not really covered enough of the topic to delve into it more deeply with a tutor, is what I am trying to say, hopefully this makes sense to you. Sorry if it does not!

So that was my/our day today. Another day done, another week done, and another weekend approaching. Oh and today is Friday the 13th!! Not that it really means anything to me but it might to someone who is superstitious. Well that is todays post, two pages long. Have a great weekend, drive safe in the snow tonight (its snowing as I am typing out this very post) So TTY next week, onto #3, cant wait!       

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