“Better To Write For Yourself And Have No Public Than To Write For The Public And Have No Self” –Cyril Connolly


Thursday, January 12, 2012


Alrighty so class started at 9am sharp. Math, math & more math. I just want you to know that, I am excited to continue learning about math. But I think all that brainpower (for me, I am only speaking for myself here) is a little too much for my brain in the morning. It makes it difficult for me to retain that information. I should probably think of some sort of alternative to that, what I mean is a way/formula or train of thought that may help me retain that information. I can use my independent study block to come up with a strategy. Fortunately for me I did write down notes, during class, which I know will help me later on down the road.

Let me see if I can recap what we covered in “Foundations of Analytical & Quantitative Reasoning” We talked about absolute numbers & Rational numbers. Absolute number is: the absolute value of a number as its distance from zero, and Rational numbers are:a number that can be written as a simple fraction. OK my brain is starting to hurt again, first of all I start my day learning about Mathematics, not it’s almost 12am and I am going over my notes, finishing my day talking about mathematics.
Lets get into the second half of my day. Foundations of Academic Literacy, I really enjoyed this class, after all English is one of my best/favorite subjects. Last class we were asked to write about “A major event in my life” of which I had many so trying to pick just one was a difficult task onto itself. However I chose to write about “How The Eagle Feather Found Me” which in summary is about how I wanted an eagle feather, but did not realize that in indigenous culture it is something you must earn. So I guess that somewhere along this journey of me wanting an Eagle feather, I had finally earned the right to have one come into my possession, but not on my own accord. The feather it self had its own journey of which I was the recipient at the end of its journey. So it is an amazing short story of mine. So we were told to bring it to class (of which it was only suppose to be a rough draft), which mine was not, it was a final draft as I am a perfectionist. Then we exchanged it with a classmate to delegate constructive criticism upon our papers, which I absolutely loved. I really enjoyed my fellow classmate’s paper. It was great to get a little insight into her life.

So that is today’s class experience. I took a nap when I got home which I always do now, because I am exhausted when I get home, well hungry & tired. Not a good combination for me, being that I am hypoglycemic. I met up with my bestie, later on in the evening, and didn’t come home until 9:30pm’ish. I had a snack and watched Vampire Diaries and now I am finishing up my blog post of which I will be doing everyday. Well that is my own personal goal, so far so good.

I am super tired, and have another full day of class tomorrow, so until tomorrow night, TTYT (Talk.To.You.Then) :D   

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