“Better To Write For Yourself And Have No Public Than To Write For The Public And Have No Self” –Cyril Connolly


Thursday, June 16, 2011

A day for Vancouver history and not in a good way

Last night all mayhem broke out after the Vancouver Canuck's lost game 7.
Instead of taking it with grace, some Vancouverites decided to roll cars, harass police and Bruins fan's,start fires,burn police cars and civilians cars as well, stab people, hurt people, vandalize store like: The Bay, London Drugs, Future Shop etc.
I watched every second of it as it unfolded I watched the whole hockey game even watched the Bruins hold the cup, at that point I didn't care what team won it it was a glorious victory and accomplishment for any sportsmen or athlete.
I then started to feel sadness, disappointment, looking for someone to blame (perhaps Louongo), we were defeated on our own ice in our town, and to have the Bruins parading around with what should have been ours, I started to feel embarrassed.
The Bruins with the Stanley Cup in our arena, that thought kept going over and over in my head.
So finally I had enough of watching and decided to see what was happening out side Rogers Arena, and to my astonishment all hell was breaking loose.
I watched for hours and hours as it progressed and got worse.
I couldn't believe what I was seeing, to be utterly honest the feeling was the same type of feeling I got the day I woke up and it was 9/11, total surrealism, I am still dreaming, but I was not.

I'm sure we all had friends and family downtown, praying for there safe return, I know I was, and in the end I was just praying that everyone to return home safe and sound.
But unfortunately that was not the case, people died, got/fell in front of the sky-train, stabbed, beaten.
Let me tell you I had some problems getting to sleep last night, the whole day seemed haunting and looming in my mind, but I have learned over the years a little trick that I use to fall asleep if I am incredibly stressed out, and that is: I turn on the TV put on a galaxy radio channel on Classical music, and have it on just enough so I can hear it in the back ground, works like a charm.
So todays is the day after all these disgraceful things have happened, were do we go from here?
And to all those fuckers out there who fucked up our BEAUTIFUL CITY, you will get what is coming to you three fold, I know that with out a shadow of doubt.
However I could not fail to mention that there were people everyday citizens that tried to prevent things from happening, and to you I am truly grateful (Frick I'm starting to cry) It is people like you that make this world what it is, and that is beautiful,wonderful and free.
On a last note, in a world where one generation has grown up on utter and complete technology (ie: Social networks,blogs,twitter, Facebook,video cam's, picture phones, iPhone's, Blackberry's,tablets the list can go on...All of these devices where on and active last night capturing angles of the event that a police cam, new's camera could not have got, now ALL that is up on the web, so basically it's virtual evidence, so I really do believe that the people responsible will be caught and held responsible. And that is all that I have to say about that.
I must go get ready for my day as I am going to meet up with my family and celebrate a sister's birthday and share a meal with them, I couldn't be happier

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