“Better To Write For Yourself And Have No Public Than To Write For The Public And Have No Self” –Cyril Connolly


Saturday, March 10, 2012

What I have been up to lately...

Hmm well yesterday was an interesting one at that! It started off like any other, I had class in the morning, I was feeling pretty sick on Thursday night. Anyways I grabbed a coffee before class. Class was amazing, we had Learning Strategies and we did some creative writing, our instructor handed out these random photos, and we were asked to write about them. It was awesome; I totally love doing those kinds of things. All in all it was an amazing class.

Now for the second half of my day, I had a dentist appointment @ 4:40pm, so 3:50pm I get a phone call from the receptionist at the dental clinic, she asked where I am, I asked why? She said “your suppose to be here!” I said right now?!” she answered yes! I was like ok I will be right there, then she asked where abouts am I coming from, I said Gateway Station, I can be there in 15-20 minutes. So I left like a mad lady, I am never late for an appointment I am always early! So on my way down to the parking garage I’m thinking, wait a second, I distinctly remember we made the appointment on Dec.28th.2011 I called her, she wanted me in by 3pm. I told her I have class from Mon-Fri 9am-3:30pm. So we made the date for a Friday after class. So I check my email on my phone AND SURE enough it was 4 f*ckin 40pm!! I was already stressed about getting my wisdom teeth out. Now she made it worse by making me feel like I screwed up when really it was her! Needless to say I was pissed off. But whatever I got over it. Anyways I called her back while on route to Delta, and said I just checked my email and it says 4:40pm! So we talked back and forth she apologized, but whatever lady the damage is done. My nerves where totally shot to sh*t.

I finally get to the clinic and the doctor is waiting at the front desk for me, I literally walked in, and went right to the dental chair. This is where the fun begins. I was first given a series of freezing’s. Some of which hurt others didn’t. I would say 10-20 minutes lapsed; they wanted me totally frozen. Which I was, so then he began his work. He walked my through what he was doing, saying stuff like your going to feel some pressure now. That was an understatement, Im sure for all of those who have had teeth pulled; it is not a pleasant experience. I could hear it coming out; I could hear the tooth scrapping against my skull while Mr. Dentist pulled it out then gave me stitches. The first tooth was the hardest. I was squeezing the poor assistant ladies hand to death. So the second tooth came out a lil faster than the other. And just like that I was done. After the whole ordeal I was shaking like a leaf from stress I could barely sign the insurance papers, I was such a mess. She shoved a piece of gauze in my mouth and gave me 2 packages and told me to change it every half hour. Well I went to Safeway across the street and and filled out the prescription he gave me. Which was for T3’s and mouth rinse (cause I cant brush my teeth right now…Eww!) So I am at Safeway feeing like crap and all I can taste in my mouth was BLOOD lots of it. Frickin gross. I haven’t had lunch now I cant have dinner but I will have a stomach full of blood, that’s nasty & gross! The pharmacist knew right away what was goin on and she said you look like your in pain, Ill get right on this. So I had to go to the bathroom to change the gauze, Eww that was gross too. The freezing was still heavy and I swear I was drooling all over myself like a dog sick with rabies.

So I finally make it back home, slip into my P.J’s and took my meds and went to sleep. Well I tried to sleep, as much as one can who is in crazy amounts of pain. I only took one T3 and like 40 minutes later nothing. So I took another. After that it was like another 40 minutes of just lying in the dark waiting for something. I was really stressed out while I was sleeping I was convulsing, not in a seizure way but my body was in shock and had reached its limit. I Kept waking me up. EVEN after 2 T3’s I still did not feel any pain dissipating. In between all that I was changing the gauze. The very first time I got up from bed I didn’t even know this but apparently I was drooling all over myself, man they must of given me lots of freezing. Oh did I mention there was blood & drool. So gross! Well after tossing and turning, I turned the T.V on and tried to watch a movie, but couldn’t be bothered I was in too much pain. So I put some classical music on and finally drifted off somewhere.

So that is the conclusion of Friday, I am totally and utterly amazed at what the human body can do, truly spectacular. 12 hours ago I had my teeth pulled out of my skull, in tons of pain, and 12-13 hours later the swelling is down, and I am on the mend, my poor little body was traumatized, but the bleeding has slowed considerably and the pain is still there, I woke up at 6am and started cleaning and puttering around. I hate being lazy even when I am sick. Now it’s almost 12pm and I am ready for some more meds and bed, got to get more rest.

So that’s all folks. Talk to you when…huh I don’t know when.