“Better To Write For Yourself And Have No Public Than To Write For The Public And Have No Self” –Cyril Connolly


Friday, February 03, 2012

WEEK FIVE: Days 4 & 5

You’ll have to excuse the absent post yesterday; it was not by choice, as I did not have any power in my apartment. So todays post is going to be a double header.

Day 4:

So today we had a full day. First block we had math. I am very thankful that we moved on from fractions. Thought they did come in handy in this class. We worked together as a class to find mathematical patterns. Which I enjoyed, fractions however make me mental, I’d rather die! Our instructor had to leave early again. He did mention that next class he would make up for the early dismissals. We will be doing 3 hours next class, then after our teacher is going to take us all out for a coffee! Isn’t that the sweetest thing in the world? I think so. Defiantly changed my opinion of math that’s for sure. 
Trying to study in the dark! 
Second block we had literacy. My fav. of course. I can’t wait to see my summary paper marked. I feel very confident in my work. In class we covered some fundamentals in critiquing essays. The piece that we were critiquing was called “Eldest Children Have Higher I.Q”, we started learning how to follow steps in building the structure of our argument. It was good. We were first given the hand out and were given 20 minutes to read & start our essay. I managed to get 4 paragraphs. The instructor then picks 5 of us to write it up on the whiteboards. I did not particularly enjoy this. I am a perfectionist and I do not like sharing my work before it is fully completed. I spend a great deal of time on any given piece especially since it is “Academic Writing”! I mean seriously how can we provide and accurate structure to a paper, when we are given very limited time. I know this was only for practice, but never the less I don’t like to be rushed to write. I do acknowledge that when writing essays/summaries or critiquing on a test you are given a time limit. But at least then you are given a decent amount of time to write. Last but not least I have a small scruple when it came to this particular assignment. I wrote mine in such a way that I was mockingly making fun of the writers of the topic we were given (they were Norwegian scientists) I know that our teacher took it as one big funny joke, but I was serious, and felt a little humiliated. Now I know that it was not their intention to do that, and I also take into consideration that I am a bit sensitive in regards to my writing, only because I put a lot of work into something. We finished up the class with a mini-lessons review. For the first time I was happy to see the end of this block. I guess this is the nature of things, you’re not always going to like class, and sometimes you can’t wait to start. Totally normal, so this concludes Day 4.
Candle light night :D
Day 5

I started off my day with a 9 am appointment. But I was running on vapor today. I did not have any power and just did not have a good evening the night before. My stupid cell phone is acting up again its a P.O.S!!! So I emailed my teacher to let her know that I was going to be late for class, because I thought that it started at 9am! But because I was majorly sleep deprived and was looking at the wrong day or time (whatever) class did not start until 10am! So I was done my appointment at 9:45am and made it to class on time. Totally confused and rushed myself for nothing.

So we had Learning Strategies first block. Today we went over what was expected in our “Finding Your Path Portfolio Development & Outline” A lot of this stuff I have already been putting together over the semester, so shouldn’t be that hard, and we were asked to put it together in a creative way, which is totally up my ally! So we basically covered all the different types of things that we are suppose to compile for this project. Should be fun.

So that pretty much brings us up to date and into second block. I ended up going home as I could barely keep my eye’s open and how much information am I going to retain if I am in that state, so I decided on some self care and called it a day, I went straight home and went to bed, that was sometime around 12pm, I didn’t wake up till 5pm! Must have needed it!

After I woke up the power was back on THANK GOWD! I drove all the way to Burnaby to eat a burrito!!! It was soooooo good. Went to Mucho Burrito, way better than Chronic Taco’s. After I ate dinner went to Tim’s and got an extra large triple-triple. Went home did a little cleaning, had to completely clean out the fridge cause none of it was refrigerated for over 24 hours. It lingered in the DANGER ZONE for too long (it’s a FoodSafe thing) Well that’s about all folks. Going to the library to study, got lots of reading to do. Might go watch the Super Bowl @ the pub with mum, but not to sure yet, we’ll see how I feel on Sunday. Not really a bug fan of football but the atmosphere should be good! Anyways ya’ll have a great weekend see you back here on Monday Week 6! Holly Crap-ola?!!

Mucho Burrito! YUM 
Extra Large Triple-Triple! Wow-za