“Better To Write For Yourself And Have No Public Than To Write For The Public And Have No Self” –Cyril Connolly


Monday, September 05, 2011

Missing you...

I miss Tofino, I miss the smell of campfire, I miss watching the fire burn, I miss the smell of the ocean all day, I miss goin in the water on a hot day.(Oh and hot surfer guys of course) Most of all I miss my photo's that I took, that were taken from me! Stupid memory card company! Such a rip off! I miss sleeping in a tent and late night runs to Tony's pizza, I miss $45+ dollar breakfasts, and the beautiful island scenery. Everywhere is so picturesque. Think I am going to start crying at the thought of no Tofino pictures, I'm also thinking I am goin to make it an annual trip! Well that's bout it, all I have been thinking about it Tofino, tofino, tofino!!!! :( 

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