“Better To Write For Yourself And Have No Public Than To Write For The Public And Have No Self” –Cyril Connolly


Thursday, July 12, 2012


DISCLAIMER: I do not have my license this is just from years of observation of being passenger to great drivers (Dad, Mum & Paul)  

-Flash your high beams (even in daylight) to let on coming vehicles know that there are police ahead; it’s kinda like a heads up.

-EVERYTIME you stop for gas or to stretch ALWAYS go to the bathroom even if you don’t think you have to go. *this also comes in handy if your driver looks sleepy just say you got to go to the bathroom, seriously it may save ALL of your lives.

-time your beverage consumption, example: don’t drink all you beverage’s right at the beginning and don’t drink too much, it leads to frequent stopping and wasting time.

-know how many kilometers you can get per full tank, use your trip meter on your car and don’t forget to reset it after you gassed up.


-Passing lanes are your new best friend. Now a day the signs will tell you WHEN a passing lane is coming up, and when the passing lane is within sight it also tells you HOW LONG it runs for. Ex: 12km

-the best way to take full advantage of these passing lanes is too access how many cars you can pass vs. how long the passing lane runs for. If you have 3-4 cars/trucks or R.V’s to pass you need to be on the tail end of the last car. When you see the passing lane approach that’s when you speed up and gain momentum, once the slower cars move over to the right lane, that’s your chance, you gotta put into full gear regardless of what kind of vehicle you have 4 cylinder-6 cylinder.


-Know what the speed limits are, if there is some guy behind you wanting to pass you let him, he can be your pace car. These guys will also be the first one to get busted by speed traps and police officers.
-If you’re confident enough you may choose to be your own pace car at your own risk of course, this should only be done if you know the highway/road like the back of your hand. Doing this not only puts you in danger but all your passenger’s too.

-Know which areas/town’s/cities have heavy police traffic, this type of knowledge usually comes from fist-hand experience.

Being on the road isn’t about keeping a super tight schedule, but about being efficient and smart, have fun and be aware, road trips are fun. You must be prepared for ALL circumstances. It only takes a split second, to be in someone’s blind spot, run into other accidents or traffic, construction etc.
-Some people are just not cut out for the road, if you are driving more than 4 hours, switch it up, with another driver or take a small break (lunch, dinner) 

-Or just don’t plan trips that exceed the time limit you are comfortable with.      

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