“Better To Write For Yourself And Have No Public Than To Write For The Public And Have No Self” –Cyril Connolly


Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Friend 1: Hey let me take you out for breakfast.

Friend 2: Oh that is nice of you to get breakfast and

Friend 1 finds out there is no money on their debit card.

Friend 1: Hey can I borrow some money; I will pay you back on Friday with interest.

Friend 2: Oh ok, how much do you want to borrow???

Friend 1: Um.....$300!!!

Friend 2: ARE YOU KIDDING ME, you want to borrow all the pre-money money that I saved for my vacation next week??!!

Friend 1: I will pay you back on Friday I PROMISE

Friend 2: Well it is not like your asking for $20,60 or $80! Its $300!!!

Friend 1: Ok I will lend you the money (reluctantly) Guess I am not getting breakfast then :(  (Cause friend 1 has to be at work by 8am) 

Friend 1: are we still gonna eat breakfast?

Friend 2: Oh I’ll give ya $5.00 for breakfast.

Friend 1: $5.00!!!!! OMG what the hell! I am lending you $300 dollars and your only gonna give me $5.00 for breakfast!!? HELLO IM THE ONE HELPING YOU OUT HERE!

Friend 1: How about this I am going to take $20 out of the $300 to buy myself breakfast ALSO I will lend you the money on two conditions A) I take out $20 for breakfast but you still owe me $300 & B) You owe me $20 for interest and for the inconvenience.

Friend 2: Deal :D

Friend 1: Has to run up to the apartment to grab the money. Comes back down with the money only to be asked ANOTHER favor. (sigh) FML

Friend 2: Um can you deposit this into my bank account @ exactly 9:30 am???

Friend 1: Your joking right? Seriously!!!

Friend 2: please its really important!?!

Friend 1: OK FINE BUT THATS GONNA BE ANOTHER $10 INTEREST, so you’ll pay me $330 back on Friday

Friend 2: Fine :D

The End!

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