“Better To Write For Yourself And Have No Public Than To Write For The Public And Have No Self” –Cyril Connolly


Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Did not attend class due to major studying for final exam for FNST101 tomorrow.

Hmm today was on ok day. I am starting to loose patience with certain aspects of school. I am no longer enjoying class but wanting to get it done and over with. Sorry its the truth and its how I feel. I am sick and tired of spending every waking moment studying. I am always tired. 

I understand that there has been some concern with my attendance.  However due to this fact I have never not handed something in on time, nor do I plan too, and me missing class does imply that either. The only thing you should be concerned about is when I start handing thing is late asking for extensions, I mean come on, I have never once asked for any special treatment. So give a gal a break.

I am looking forward to tomorrow; I hope we get our papers & portfolios back? I just want to see how I did. However, I am not looking forward to our exam. I feel overwhelmed and that only due to the fact that I just wrote out all the POSSIBLE questions that we may or may not have and let me tell you it is a lot of information dates, policy’s and jargon. How the heck am I suppose to remember half of that stuff, I cant even remember what we covered last week, lead alone a whole frickin semester. I am at the point where I know that cramming is not goin to help, so what do I do, PRAY I guess. We will see how tomorrow plays out, it is what it is and its out of my hands. Night –xoxo VanCityGirl83