“Better To Write For Yourself And Have No Public Than To Write For The Public And Have No Self” –Cyril Connolly


Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Today was a long day. I had a full day of class, which I barely made it through. I was in a lot of pain this morning I went a really long time without taking my painkillers and I sure felt it. Unfortunately they make me super tired after they ware off. My left eye was super irritated today and sensitive to light. It was really annoying.

Well I went from crap grade on my Critical Essay to, great mark on my chapter 9 presentation in FNST 101, so ya win some you loose some. I have been major slacking on the studying front, as in not doing any at all. I guess I just burnt out. But I must get back into the swing of things as we only have a couple weeks left and this is the most crucial time. Well that’s it for now –XOXO VanCityGirl83