“Better To Write For Yourself And Have No Public Than To Write For The Public And Have No Self” –Cyril Connolly


Saturday, February 25, 2012


CRAP! I totally forgot to do my blog post, I have had a crazy busy long day. I waited in a line up for over 4 hours NOT fun and not how I wanted to spend my friday afternoon. Today in school we had a great class. We had Learning Strategies and we had two elders come in to vist us. After a short break around 11am we had an actual circle (a native ceremony, where we share honestly and openly from the heart, we used an eagle feather as a talking stick) it was vey powerful and emotional and good, and inspiring. A lot to take in, but it was amazing. After I finally made it home I packed up my backpack and went up to Burnaby Mountain to study, left just after 12am. Stopped by Mc-D's and I had a small bacon cheeseburger, fries & a small coke! Man did it hit the spot. Now I am just winding down, I am exhausted. Going to bed soon. Have a great sleep everyone. -XOXO VanCityGirl 83 

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