“Better To Write For Yourself And Have No Public Than To Write For The Public And Have No Self” –Cyril Connolly


Thursday, February 23, 2012


Well I would like to say that I had a peachy keen day, but that would be a lie. I really don’t want to get into to much detail about it. I just was not feeling well, just feeling like crap, tired, exhausted & drained, but nothing that can’t mend.

We had math first block and we went BACK TO FRACTIONS! Seriously I was ready to run for the hillz, my archenemy. But I stuck around and I am glad that I did cause I finally GOT IT! 

I woke up from a nap to talk to a really good friend that I have known for like half of my life. So after I dumped all my crap on her (she actually listens to me for a change I am always the one doing the listening) but from time-to-time I do have a lot to say. I totally felt better after talking with her; she helped me put things into manageable segments.

I came to a realization today I suck at academic writing! There is a major difference in English vs. Academic writing. English is about storytelling and emotions and connection to your writing and narrative where as academic writing is cold, sterile, specific, and structured. Total opposite of what I am use to therefore I SUCK! I must admit it was a bruise to me ego, but hey it not always about me. So today had its ups and downs, but amongst the chaos there are many good things going on behind the scene.

On a last note today I really did not want to be in FAL class today. I was ready to just pack my things and peace out, but I didn’t. Well I am off got a semi-pleasant day tomorrow, school wise I have Learning Strategies and then math tutorial in the afternoon. But I have to leave after first block and go deal with some stuff. That’s it for today bye guys –XOXO VanCityGirl83 <3  

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