“Better To Write For Yourself And Have No Public Than To Write For The Public And Have No Self” –Cyril Connolly


Sunday, February 26, 2012

We cannot forget who we are or where we came from

My voice will not be silenced
I command respect
I speak for those who cannot be herd
One against a million
Seems impossible
I remember that feeling of fighting anyone who came into contact with me, or who came into my life
I was hurting on the inside
Longing for peace
That I thought would never come
One day I realized I was only fighting myself
Beating myself up viciously
I had been beating myself up for so long that I forgot why I was doing it
All I knew was that I loathed myself
It took many years of work on myself to even fathom that I could once again love myself
Others loved me with out hesitation, unconditionally and forever
Unfortunately all the love in the world could not save me
I  thought that if I hated myself for long enough that others would give up on me
After all I had
But something inside me told me that this was not my time to go and that I had some purpose to live out
I did not know what it was or where to start
The year I turned 24 was the end of one life and the beging of another
I even had the oddest feeling
It was the day of my birthday and I was on the skytrain
All of a sudden I had this feeling that I was going to die
At first I thought it was literally maybe I was having a premonition
But it was not
The feeling meant that the old me died, that very day.
Since that day I have never looked back
Every step, every decision has been to better my life and to heal the hurt that was within me
I am now on a path that is greater than anything I could hope for myself
Something greater than me has been watching over me my whole life
Guiding me to this moment, this time in my life
He has given my a glimpse of the greatness I can achieve
Something I never thought myself worthy of
My only hope is that maybe in some way my words may be of some help to anyone
If I have reached only one person
Then I can die a happy woman

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