“Better To Write For Yourself And Have No Public Than To Write For The Public And Have No Self” –Cyril Connolly


Tuesday, February 21, 2012


So today was super easy. We had independent study fist block. And in second block we had Lit. class we had our first draft of our critical essay due today and we did a peer review on them. I always enjoy feedback & constructive criticism but I still get a little twinge/hurt only because my writing is personal, in every aspect.

I wonder if we get our mid-term marks tomorrow, I hope I did ok? And I want my summary back too! I work my ass off on these pieces that we have to hand in and its torture to just sit around for a week while our teacher is in Hawaii chillin.

Listening to myself rant about writing, shows that I am very passionate about what I do. I am so on the right path, this is it people. It’s a long road ahead but I believe in myself know and I wont stop, until I get it done.

On a completely different note, do you guys remember when I told you about my storage locker getting broken into couple weeks back? There was something that I have been meaning to add to that experience. When I was re-organizing all my stuff/junk the thought came into my head…crap I don’t quite know how to word this…?

~I took myself out of the equation and pretended like I have never met me before; I was analyzing all the misc. junk or memento’s of this person’s life. There was stuff from my brothers wedding, stickers from childhood, the very first flower I ever received from a guy, notes and cards from friends and family, photo’s you name it, it was in there. I was thinking to myself gee this person has a wonderful life, she is well loved, people knew she existed, she touched peoples lives (well I hope I did, don’t want to be tooting my own horn here) it looked like she had a great childhood, she looks happy, surrounded by loved ones.~

Anyways that’s it, that’s what I wanted to add to that previous experience. So that brings me to the evening. I met up with my mom; I am trying to balance my life, school, studying & family. She picked me up from New West station and we went back to her place for a bit. Later we headed down to the pub for dinner and music bingo & catch the last 2 periods of the game. I ordered chicken souvlaki, it was good but the chef put tons of different spices almost trying to make it into something that its not, is the best way I can explain it. Well that’s all folks. I am exhausted Night -XOXO VanCityGirl 83    

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