“Better To Write For Yourself And Have No Public Than To Write For The Public And Have No Self” –Cyril Connolly


Tuesday, February 14, 2012


It just occurred to me that I have been putting so much pressure on myself and on my writing, that I took all the fun out of it. That’s not my style. It also occurred to me that I could blog about ANYTHING. I thought that by blogging about school was all I could talk about. I have been going mental about it.

Anyways many things have been going on, school has been great. Though it would have been nice to of had reading break off with the rest of the school, they could have just added another week after the reading break. The thought of getting up every morning 5 days a week for X amount of weeks kinda makes my head spin.

Today in class, we had a tutorial in the computer lab; none of the computers worked (they never do!) I see the “Tech Guy” more than any other person on campus, Hmm what does that say about my school?

Well that’s it for today guys I’m gonna attach some video’s that I love listening too. So have a great night HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! 

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