“Better To Write For Yourself And Have No Public Than To Write For The Public And Have No Self” –Cyril Connolly


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Did I ever tell you about the story of my USB stick?!

I have a 4 GB memory stick, who doesn't?! It had everything I ever wrote on it, all the different pieces throughout the years. For those of you who don't know I am a writer and have been really good at it since I was a kid. I always got great marks on any written piece I did.

So one day I need to add/save something that I was writing about on my laptop. Sounds pretty straight forward and normally it would be. But not today, I could not for the life of my find it ANYWHERE! Now let me fill you in on a lil something. I have OCD, and me not being able to find it totally made me go mental, every other day I was looking for it. I tore my place apart numerous time, I'm taking about ceiling to floor, turned everything inside out upside down, and NOTHING...Nothing! It was extremely frustrating, and I started to feel emo or that It was all in my head. I even started calling places that I use to go to, employment center's, work, my moms. But nobody had seen it. It was getting pretty hopeless. Or so I thought.

At this time in my life I had my own place out on 160st. & 96 ave. It was a cozy one bedroom perfect for me. However there were a few factors that I did not account for. 1) It was out in the deep suburbs 2) It was too quite 3) Every little noise sounded creepy and 4) There was a humidity problem, not enough air circulation, thus creating a slight musty smell of which only I could smell, cause I have a very acute sense of smell!

I have for many years now been living in high rises which I absolutely love, but prior to that I had always lived in basement suits. Until the last one I stayed in was infested with WOLF SPIDERS EWW!!!! Gross, totally gross, I would have to shake out the sheets before I went to sleep and sure enough one would go flying from the sheets and run off. OK getting off topic now but I swear I'm getting to the point now! I was only in that basement suite for 6 months exactly (the one on 160th) then I moved yet again. So now I am back into a high rise, things are normal, back to the city noise, which is music to my ears baby!

So I have my girlfriend Tina over and she brings over my old mail from my previous address in Coquitlam which by the way is THE NICEST place I have ever lived at in my life, and everyone was jealous of me, got SO MANY compliments on it. By the way check out the  tab called "Westwood Village" from my home page.

Among the miscellaneous junk old bills and pizza adds. There was an envelope that had a very peculiar item in it. The return address was from Prince fucking George!!! Like seriously WTF. Anyways I open it and there is a little note explaining what is inside the envelope and how they came into possession of it...GUESS what it is??!! None other than my little blue 4 GB memory stick that I had pretty much given up looking for after 6 or so months have passed!

So it was sent to me from a WONDERFUL real estate lady who lives in Prince George B.C The following is pretty random shit: She was in town at YVR and bought a purse from the luggage store at the air port. She found it INSIDE the bag. At this point I was baffled cause I was wondering HOW did my USB get into it??? So apparently over 6 months ago I bought a Alfred Sung carry on bag from that store and returned it the next day, thought that I had checked all the pockets, but I guess not!

So that`s it, my epic long story about the adventures of my little blue 4 GB memory stick. Pretty crazy...well till next post adios amigo

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