“Better To Write For Yourself And Have No Public Than To Write For The Public And Have No Self” –Cyril Connolly


Saturday, August 13, 2011

Tears of Joy

I spent the morning reading. Reading stuff that I have wrote from 2000-to present. A lot of the older pieces I wrote, were dark and hopeless, but that's how I felt then. I wrote from my heart. There was one particular piece that I wrote, I was talking about the person I was, the person I am now and the person I want to be. I am now the person I wanted to be.

Its just incredible that I have written periodically, throughout the years, my thoughts, dreams & hopes. I have spent a lot of time lately reflecting on where I came from who I was back then  verses who I am right now. I am so proud of myself, I was 24 when I quit drinking, so young. Most people at that age are just starting. Starting to party and drink and do drugs. I on the other hand have had many lifetimes over of that stuff, and I was absolutely done when I came in to the program. I have drank like no other, I have done all kinds of drugs and been in impossible situations, dangerous scenarios and came out the other side alive. I have fought my inner demons, and showed them to others.
 In the last 4 years, I have put many of those issues to bed, no longer tormented, in pain or sad. A lot of intrinsic work, may I add at the help of many both professorial's and family. I have people in my life who love me for me, who loved me when I could not. I am going to wrap up this post with a quote from my own writing the phrase/sentence that started the train of thought.

"The family who adopted me consisted of a father,mother and big brother. These people where soon to be my world. Little did I know that through this family I would experience a unconditional love that I never knew"

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