“Better To Write For Yourself And Have No Public Than To Write For The Public And Have No Self” –Cyril Connolly


Wednesday, July 06, 2011

I'm not like every other woman. I don't believe or want to get married. Also marriage isn't what it use to be, now a days if it doesn't work out you just get divorced. I don't understand how people get married 5 times it totally defeats the purpose. I grew up in a family where my dad married my mom and they stayed together, I was fortunate not to be the child of a broken home, I mean you see it all the time, it tears families apart. Why would you do that to yourself or your children (often children are always involved)

I NEVER want kids EVER! I already know what you gonna say "Never say never & your still young" well I am almost 30 and thinking about getting my tubes tied. I don't want kids cause that mean I'm stuck with that for the rest of my life, when I think of children I feel annoyed at the very thought, I don't want that responsibility at the best of times lead alone raise a child, that's a life long commitment. I don't want to do that to my body! Some people call it a blessing, I thinks it's your own personal hell on earth. I also think of that saying " Wait till you have your own kid, they grow up to be just like you" Well I already know what I was like, and I sure the fuck don't want to raise another ME, like seriously HELL NO! When I was a baby I put my mom in the hospital she had a mental break down cause I was colicy and cried for 3 months straight. I have heard nothing but other woman's horror stories about giving birth and that's enough to make me not ever want to go through that.

Well think thats about it on that subject...I'll probably write again later till then TTUL! 

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