“Better To Write For Yourself And Have No Public Than To Write For The Public And Have No Self” –Cyril Connolly


Saturday, July 23, 2011

Holy Crap

WOW its been a while since I have posted much on here sorry guys. Lots of different things have been happening. I have been looking for work (which seems to be the norm for me) I went to a job fair this week, I have gone to a BBQ (a friend celebrated 2 years clean time) out in Aldergrove. My good friend celebrated 2 years of sobriety last Sunday.Two seems to be the number of the week. I cant believe I have kept all these appointment's with out a day planner or writing them down?!
Off the top of my head I haven't had to much down time which for me is not common. Unlike many I take great pride in self care I know what I need to do for myself and I just figured that these time periods however great in between employment really are just self care days, even if it has been over a year. It's my body's way of saying hey take care of yourself. I may not be climbing Mt. Everest but I have done a shit load of eternal work. Which I believe is the most important. I surround myself with like minded people and the rest is history.I am not a workaholic, I do not save for the future, I don't do things like other people, I almost always get what I want no matter what it is! Things seem to come together for me effortlessly. I am not complaining. I would continue to tell ya how I do what I do, but that is a trade secret, it's the one and only secret that I don't reveal to many. Even if I do tell, just because it works for me does not necessarily mean its gonna work for you. Unless you are a Capricorn female, that is the youngest sister of brothers (family birth order) Ha I am goin on vacation in a bit, vacation and I have not worked in over a year, a pessimistic person would be wondering why or how that is possible. I guess I am just an eternal optimist. Well that's it for now...Ta Ta :P  

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