“Better To Write For Yourself And Have No Public Than To Write For The Public And Have No Self” –Cyril Connolly


Sunday, July 17, 2011


So we are in the freshmen years. I entered high school with all the same fuckers I went to elementary with. Half of them I could barely stand. I was bullied around for a couple months. There were two culprits D.T & J.S. One day D.T decided to bully me round one day and I had enough, I shoved her halfway down the hall after I horked in her face and told her she was dead the next time she tried to start shit. I never heard from her again. Wish I could say the same for J.S we actually fought it out, and the whole school was there, and the principle pulled us apart. That was easily solved by me getting shit faced after.
I was a chronic pot head all of grade 8, but that novelty wore off, and I began looking for something else, something different. Sure enough I found it, psychedelics!!! Acid (LSD), mushrooms, PSP. Those threw me for a loop. Did I ever use them in moderation?! NO of course not. I would do two three hits at a time. One time I did a quad of acid then went and had dinner with my parents at Moxies. I remember not being hungry, then my parents asking me if I was OK or on drugs (guess I didn’t look right) I said “Oh yeah I’m alright, I did acid!” My father was not impressed and told me that when I get home I was to stay in my room all night! Which was fine because I was trippin out hard core.Oh and on a last note D.T got what was coming to her; I spray painted the front main entrance to the school. It read “Oh I am so scared of D.T what is she going to do sit on me!” She was a big girl. I’ll tell you one thing in my early years I wasn't much of a scrapper, but I could run my mouth like no other. I could make anyone cry, or crush there soul, with just a word. I know that’s horrible, there I go again being a little shit!

I was not living at home for much longer, as I got wilder my parents got stricter, so I was awarded temporary ward of the government. I went to a foster home, many actually. Didn’t last long in one location because I was always breaking the rules, sneaking out, sneaking people in, A-walling, coming home drunk or on drugs. I didn’t give a shit about anything, and acted accordingly. I liked moving around it didn’t bother me one bit. I had a social worker that was at her wits end with me. I was expelled from school (Earl Marriot Secondary) got caught smoking weed. Big surprise there ay!?! So it was on to the next school, which I believe was North Surrey Learning Center AYP program (Aboriginal youth program) which was like a modern day boarding school, must put all the native dysfunctional  kids in one portable!  I wasn’t there long either. Things where starting to intensify, well in regards to my drug and alcohol consumption! I was drinking more, back to smoking weed and was doing prescription pills too. (T2 & T3’s & morphine) To be honest I don’t really remember much, just some stories here and there, and stuff other people have told me. You know you’re using too much when you have to ask other people what YOUR life was like!!! That did not slow me down at all. In fact that’s just the tip of the ice berg, so to speak.  Smoking weed seem to get the best of me, I was always too stoned to give a shit if I got caught. So guess what happened, history repeated itself yet again, I was busted by the principle! Let me tell you this would not be the last time I got expelled for smoking pot. I was racking up quit a record for myself. (My poor family, dragging their name through the mud, yet to selfish in my own ways to care) By this time drink was becoming an active participant in my life.

So my life was pretty average up to this point. After being expelled for the second time, I was accepted into Semiahmoo Secondary. The average person would not be able to go back into mainstream school; fortunate for me my mom works for the School District. So I could get in anywhere! I believe that was in grade 10 after my first attempt at residential treatment. (Which was at Peak House in Vancouver, I got kicked out couple days before commencement cause I found a roach in my cigarette pack and I smoked it in the smoke pit, gowd what a stupid move on my part) Such a stoner, oh that was in 1999, and did I ever party like it was 1999!! Also that is when I was very first introduced to A.A! It was in a dark dingy basement in Vancouver there was bad coffee and uncomfortable chairs. So needless to say didn’t stick around I had eight more years of research to do.

OK we are back up to date, now I am attending Semi, its grade 10; this is where it all changes for THE BETTER part of my whole drug & alcohol career. I became friends with the richest, prettiest girl in school. Course she was not everyone’s fav. because haters wanna hate, and they all wanted what we had.Her dad was a millionaire back when a million was something. Now it wouldn't even last 6 months. Now a day’s billion is the new million. I didn't come from a poor family; we were upper middle class, that was richer than most back then, and I didn't come from a broken family. Back to my friend Andy, we became friends fast, we just hit it off, next thing ya know we were inseparable. We did everything together. Skipped class, smoked weed, drank, did coke, E & K.  She had a 2000 Volkswagen Golf, had it for about 6 month's, got sick of it and traded it in for a 2000 Ford Focus (not the sedan eww, the hatchback) she went thru cars like I buy purses, after that she had a Volkswagen Beetle, Chrysler PT Cruiser & Ford Explore. I’m pretty sure there was a few more, and I’m pretty sure you get the point! We were never short in the party fund it was infinite. I don’t even know where to begin half way through this chapter!? 

I remember gym class in the girl’s locker room; it would be the two of us and the girls (miscellaneous friends) we would all talk about what our weekend were like, most of the time me & Andy’s weekends where the same, cause we were hanging out all the time. Oh yes keep in mind this was grade 10. Our mutual girlfriend Nicole was telling us about her escapades at the club, which is graphic and shouldn’t be repeated. Basically all to do with sex and you don’t need to know the exact details. I just remember the girls locker room was where we would all get together and gossip and chat and what not.

There was way more to do in this area (White Rock) we could go to the beach, we had fake I.D’s that worked like a charm, so we would be drinking early and then all throughout the day, sometimes we were so bored that we would be waiting for the beer/liquor store to open. We would by mix from Mac’s and get those red or blue generic beer cups you could buy from Safeway, or we would have some sort of container that was spill proof and easy to mix drinks in. Or if all else failed we would just drink it straight up and chase it with whatever we had. We would go to different parks and chill on the grass all day and turn whatever tree was nearby into a beer tree (Redwood park) We would go to the skate park which is the best one in Vancouver (well back then it was) it even hosted a skate competition Slam City Jam (2003) and Tony Hawks was there. I was on the side line getting high & drunk. We could go to Blackie Spit in Crescent beach and drink beer all day, or we could go chill by 1001 Steps, or a night time everyone and I mean EVERYONE would go to Sunnyside Park and party, The Pink Palace had this huge balcony at the back of the hotel and we would rent out all the rooms and throw a HUGE ASS party all the rooms where adjoining. Come to think of it I have walked every square inch of White Rock/S.Surrey/Ocean Park/Crescent Beach.  I remember after a night at The Ocean Beach (O.B) we would all meet at Bakerview and drink in the field a lil after party after the party.

Well I have only been mentioning what areas we use to chill at, soon I will be getting into parties at the mansions, the people that I encountered along the way but until then you’ll just have to hold your breath! 

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