“Better To Write For Yourself And Have No Public Than To Write For The Public And Have No Self” –Cyril Connolly


Saturday, July 16, 2011

Friday nights

Do you ever get the feeling like your talking to yourself?!?!
I do I am falling out of contact with people and trying to reconnect and not having much luck.
It's hard not to take it personally, I cant help but think it has something to do with me. (Hmm is that self-centered of me?!)
So I keep taking care of me, but that doesn't change the fact that people that I really care about are falling away from my life.
I felt sad.
There was a time when I thought that we were really connected, in every way, sometime even more so then my immediate family.
Only to go to NOTHING!

I understand people have there own lives, and that the world does not revolve around me.
But does that mean that we ignore each other and become strangers?
Who knows.

Anyways on a new note, sorry I have not uploaded more to my previous post (A little something that I have been working on) It is still very much in progress, but I must admit that I have been pre-occupied with a lot of stuff. No excuse I know. Well hang in there all will be revealed in good time, all good things come to those who wait! Till then...ttul

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