“Better To Write For Yourself And Have No Public Than To Write For The Public And Have No Self” –Cyril Connolly


Friday, June 10, 2011

Note's from FB pt.2

I have spent the better part of the weekend thinking about ONE topic.
It took 14 years for me to completely tear apart and ruin my life and 3 years to put it back together (which I may add that, pardon my French, I have been working fucking hard to put back together)
I believe that there are CORE reasons why a person chooses to drink; I have had many hours and years 10+ to be exact with a professional (who may I add is highly recognized in the field of drugs and alcohol and has a masters & also had their own personal struggle with drugs and alcohol)
I came to _._ because I did not have anywhere else to go.
I had to believe (in order to not drink out of compulsion) that I was no longer able to drink again.
So we have removed the option to drink over things and actually deal with them like the layman
Now we have been given spiritual tools to deal with life on life’s terms.
Through these principles we were told that SOME people will NEVER understand or get it.
So it’s safe to say that some people get it and move on, that it isn’t the absolute end all be all
I believe that one can adapt/accept these principles and carry them with them for the rest of their lives
I also believe that you do not use a Robertson screwdriver to do a Phillips job! (Speaking in metaphors here lol)
What I mean is you don’t use the same tool for every job; you put one down and pick up another!
_._ is ONE tool and it is not the only one!
This brings me back to the beginning, if one has learned to deal with & not medicate their problems
And all MAJOR issues aside (and yes I am aware that other issues over the terms of our lives pop up)
One can drink like the layman.
Hmm let’s recap:
-CORE issues not dealt with = Drinking used as a solution for everything
-Told that in order to deal with issues you may no longer drink to resolve them
-So we have taken alcohol out of the equation, dealt with CORE issues.
-Therefore you have the option to (if one choose) to add alcohol back into the equation.
So the question arises can one who drink responsibly?

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