“Better To Write For Yourself And Have No Public Than To Write For The Public And Have No Self” –Cyril Connolly


Friday, June 10, 2011

Note's from FB pt.19 (Night 4 aka of falling asleep @ 5am)

OK so I was trying to go to sleep at a descent hour
But I'm lying in bed tossing and turning can’t get comfortable, totally restless my feet won’t stop moving-yada yada yada 

Going over the day’s activities in my head
 Then all of a sudden my brain turns on and is bombarding me with all sorts of questions
Like what kind of person am I, what are my morals, values, beliefs??????
All very good questions!....BUT WHY RIGHT NOW.....talk about annoying

This is a regular occurrence for me I'm lying in bed trying to go to sleep and then BOOM questions start randomly popping into my head driving me up the wall
Hence this wretched note that I am typing
Well I did start on my meds tonight!!!
I must admit I kinda feel sick
Well that's about it....?
PS: I just hope that this isn't the case tomorrow night!!!!!

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