“Better To Write For Yourself And Have No Public Than To Write For The Public And Have No Self” –Cyril Connolly


Wednesday, June 01, 2011

The night B4 the BIG day...

So it's Wednesday night, the night before my 2 year cake (in sobriety)
I don't feel as nervous more calm  now, it's almost over.
Don't get me wrong I am very proud of myself, but it's not all about me.
Hmm what do I have to do tomorrow?
-Got pick up some random mail from Zellers (I have no clue what it is?)
-Going to go drop off my resume @ Reitman's. (I have a good feeling about this)
-Meet family for dinner @ White Spot...Mmm yum :)

I'm so ready for working now!
I work so I can SHOP! yes ppl I said it, I'm not ashamed.
I don't want to work cause everyone else does, or its what society thinks I should, I am doing it so I can expand my PURSE COLLECTION BABY! Xo
And like a wise person once told me "Hey If that's what motivates you then..."
I am going to rock this bitch tomorrow (there's no B%^&*  just a phrase/quote)
So all in all tomorrow is shaping up to be a great day

PS: I know that my writing format is weird but I like it, so yeah :P

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