“Better To Write For Yourself And Have No Public Than To Write For The Public And Have No Self” –Cyril Connolly


Friday, June 10, 2011

About my notes from FB (1-20)

Just to let you know that "Notes from FB 1-20" is a collection of my writing from over the years.
I am a writer, I journal, write lyrics,letters. Anything to do with writing.
Most of it may make sense, but some of it is scattered (like my thought's)
See that's the trick to being a writer, you gotta get it out of your brain onto paper/computer or whatever it is you use to write.
Also keep in mind that each piece of writing occurs at different periods of my life all the way from when I was a teen, through addiction, in early recovery & in sobriety.

Right now I am currently using: Twitter, Facebook, YouTube ( i have a channel) & my blog.
It's allot of work, to incorporate everything together.
The whole plan of my blog is to bring together everything that I like/interest's & social site's that I use.
So basically my blog is ALL ABOUT ME! It's my place online.
I am really proud of how every thing is coming together at this point.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I have! TTUL

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