“Better To Write For Yourself And Have No Public Than To Write For The Public And Have No Self” –Cyril Connolly


Friday, February 17, 2012


So yet another week draws to an end. We had Learning Strategies this morning, unfortunately our teacher was super sick :(  We had some academic advisors come into our class today, which was very informative. I am so happy that I am on this journey the years to come seem to have so much promise and I am grateful for that. One of the advisors knows the Chief of my Band (native band/rez) and is going to contact him on my behalf! How amazing is that! I am so excited, people are so eager to help you once you ask for it, though I must admit I am a proud woman and asking for help is not always the easiest but once I do, I  always ask myself "Hey! why did I not do this earlier" But you live and you learn right.  It was a great start to the day thats for sure. We have math tutorial second block which I am sorry to say I will not be going to due to self-preservation! I have had enough of math anything over 2 times a week and you have lost me, Jus saying. Well not to sure what I am going to be doing all weekend being as I dont have T.V/internet or a phone! Frickin sux azz let me tell you, what the heck did ya'll do before these inventions?? No seriously WHAT!?! lol Well I will see you all on Monday hopefully another great week to come. Have a  great weekend. -XOXO VanCityGirl 83

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