“Better To Write For Yourself And Have No Public Than To Write For The Public And Have No Self” –Cyril Connolly


Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Today was a good day but a long day. I have been spending a lot of time studying and writing for classes, of which I totally don’t mind because I love school. We had a full day of classes, and everyone (except me) is scrambling to finish up assignments that were due today and starting papers that are due in final draft tomorrow. I was done everything last weekend. We have a math mid-term of which I’m not even gonna stress about for on second, that does not mean that I don’t feel a little anxious. But those are two different feelings.

Well we had a guest speaker in our FNST101 class, what an amazing lady. Down to earth, personable and honest about everything. I really value honesty in others, as I always aim to be open and honest about myself, I don’t have anything to hide, or be ashamed of, I am the person I today because of all the mistakes I have made, and believe me I have made many.

There is so many different aspect of the journey I am on, I am learning so much about Indigenous people “we have to know where we came from in order to move forward”. There are so many complexities to the situation I can see how it is easy for people to remain ignorant and racist.

Well I am going to bed early tonight want to get lots of sleep, I am pretty tired, thanks for tuning in –XOXO VanCityGirl83

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