“Better To Write For Yourself And Have No Public Than To Write For The Public And Have No Self” –Cyril Connolly


Saturday, January 28, 2012


Well week four has drawn to the end. Time is just flying. It was a pretty chill day today. I was up pretty early and left my place early. I got to school around 8:30 and started working on my Chapter 9 project for FNST 101 (First Nations Studies) So I did that then class started around 10:30
I really enjoy independent studies, as I very much prefer that to working in a group. Group work requires you to trust others, and its kind of hard to do that if you don’t really know them or their study habits. It just seems like a big risk to me and I take school very seriously. I’m not implying that other don’t, just that what I call serious may not be the same type of seriousness that someone else may bring.

We had Learning Strategies today and we did so pretty fun stuff. I like this class cause it really give us a chance to connect with each other, and it’s a bit more personable too. We tend to do a lot of creative stuff, which I love. So this class & time period fly’s by.

So it was a pretty short day today, and I felt sufficient with my pre school studying activities, so I took off right after class. It was a nice day out today. I wanted to go to Dea’s Island and see if I could photograph all the eagles I saw there on Thursday. But I didn’t go.

OMG I got a call from my dentist saying that they would like me to come in and get all four of my wisdom teeth out next Friday. I said, “No thanks!” But made an appointment in March to do two at a time. I just can’t financially afford to do all four at once. Last visit really screwed me over and I can’t afford to do that again. Las time was a dental emergency I hade to get a root canal cause I was in severe pain. This time round I can time it better with my financial schedule

Well I am tired and I have a info session for a program that I am interested in taking @ SFU. Its called the Southbank Writers program and its being held at Surrey Public Library @ 1pm so have a great night, and see you on Monday, where we will have four classes of English through out the whole week (we usually only have 2 per week)   

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