“Better To Write For Yourself And Have No Public Than To Write For The Public And Have No Self” –Cyril Connolly


Monday, January 23, 2012


So a new week begins its crazy how time is flying by. We started off the day with independent study for an hour and a half. Then we met back in our classroom to begin F.A.N X99 (math). We knew this week was going to be a math filled on. We had math today, we have math ALL day tomorrow, and again on Thursday morning. I am going to do it with a smile. Like I have said in previous posts I am trying to be optimistic about it, and truthfully it’s hard to maintain that, cause I feel some dread, especially upon this week. But hey we have to do it, I’m gonna do it, and as our instructor says “Nobody is born with this knowledge” I take great comfort in that quote.

Today we covered fractions which is just division. Fractions hurt my brain. It’s a challenge to retain this info in the morning, but I always take notes, and seem to be doing ok on our weekly tests.

After lunch it was independent study again. I manage to go over some of the other subjects. I am currently going over chapter 1 in a F.A.N (literacy) textbook and taking notes. I find that making my own notes really help me remember the information and retain it better.

These days I really feel like I am living life to the fullest. This is my second life, that may not make any sense to you but those of you who are “Friends of Bill.W” will know what I mean. Today I am leading a life that is better than anything I could possibly imagine for my self. I am so grateful that I changed my way of living and the way I think about things. I’m not perfect far from it, but I do strive for perfection. I have learnt so much about myself over these past 5 years it’s unbelievable.

Well tomorrow is a math full day. Thank you for checking out my blog and for reading my posts. You reading this make it all worthwhile. Have a great night and an even better morning. TTYL  

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