“Better To Write For Yourself And Have No Public Than To Write For The Public And Have No Self” –Cyril Connolly


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

My Trip

So I began on August 22. it was a Monday. Well to begin with neither I didn't get much sleep Sunday night, maybe like an hour or two and at a fisrt glance that may not seem to matter. However it takes just under an hour to get from Surrey to Horseshoe Bay, waited in line for an hour, the ferry ride takes about hour and a half, the drive from Nanaimo to Tofino takes just under 3 hours, so I mean time adds up. So what would take 6.5 hours total in travel time is a lot when you are sleep deprived. Now let me add this.  Drove through Nanaimo and made it through the #4 connector and even manage to get up to Little Qualicum area before we came to a COMPLETE STOP! For many hours (neither of us had a book, NOTHIN) a massive accident had occurred! From the get go I did not have a good feeling, I knew something was really really wrong! I saw 7+ police cars, ambulances, fire trucks go by, and many more came, and about 30-40 minutes later 2 helicopters came as well and air lifted 2 people out.
I later found out that 2 people died. It was defiantly a sad start to the beginning of my trip. Durring that whole time I prayed, that people were safe and unharmed, that they were in peace, anything. I just could feel that something had gone wrong. So what would have taken 6.5 hours actually took over 9 hours, so It was a long long day. Finally made it to Port Alberni and stopped in Tim Horton's had lunch and big coffees and had replenished our energy hopefully enough to get us to Tofino in one piece didn't want to be the next accident. I had also been documenting the whole trip via my Cannon Rebel camera :) After all this had been my very first time going up and I wanted these photos's to capture everything. Hmm what else, we finally arrive at our campsite (Bella Pacifica Campgrounds in Mackenzie Beach) It was a beautiful site. Unfortunately we had the crappiest picnic table ever, and there looked like there was a bear whole pathway right by the camp fire pit, it was kinda creepy looking. So I put the picnic table there, it made me feel safer anyways lol. Didn't stay up too late that night in fact when the sun went down so did I , I was out like a lite! So tired, would have like to say I slept well, but it started POURING rain all night, It trips me out for some reason when that happens. I dont know why?! It was cold that night too, but none the less I got a decent amount of sleep. Oh and I took a sneak peak at the beach, and let me tell you it was defiantly a spiritual experience. I wish I could show ya the beautiful pictures I took, but the memory card itself malfunctioned and It says there are NO PHOTOS ON IT! That is another story all together. Well that was the first day of my trip I will be posting the rest soon, thanks for tuning in ttul

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