“Better To Write For Yourself And Have No Public Than To Write For The Public And Have No Self” –Cyril Connolly


Friday, June 10, 2011

Note's from FB pt.11 (Just for today)

It’s funny how life works!
One minute you’re on cloud 9, the next your down on your knees praying to the universe for strength to get through day,
At times you’re filled with such joy and gratitude and other times you just want to rip out all your hair,
Sometimes we are jealous and envious of other people but when everyone throws there dirty laundry in a pile, how quickly we grab our own dirty laundry back,
Sometimes in that split moment we just want to say F--- It, and do something ANYTHING to feel that sense of release.
For me I struggle with the old Jenni verses the new Jenni, because I use to be Doctor Jykle and Mr. Hyde, Sometimes those 2 people live harmoniously together

Sometimes love blinds you or isn’t enough, but what is enough?
I choose love, love of myself, for my family, for Jay and my cats-lol
I want someone to share my life with, someone to grow old with, bicker with, someone to call me on my shit, 
I already have that and for that I am truly grateful.
Lately I have learned to Accept and Let go, and let me tell you that has been a HARD lesson to learn.
I believe the universe will keep throwing at you the lessons that are most important to learn.

Written By: Jennifer Anne Harrison

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