“Better To Write For Yourself And Have No Public Than To Write For The Public And Have No Self” –Cyril Connolly


Monday, June 20, 2011

Fuck Olive Garden!

Alrighty then so was up all night slept all day, got up late afternoon ate watched a movie
My friend picked me up and off to Langley we went, down 88th ave, which may I add is like the gazillionth time this week (OK slight exaggeration, OK huge exaggeration, which for future reference I like to do a lot)
So we ran some errands in Langley, we took a wring turn somewhere which took us to a store that we thought was AWESOME!
So I am in the ladies clothing department, looking at North Face stuff (I <3 North Face) and I bump into S.H! A lady I once knew when I was at Guildford Learning Center.
I was going through a lot of stuff back then a TOTAL MESS!
So it was nice to see here and tell her that I have changed my life around!
She was really happy for me.

Anyways after that we went to Olive garden for dinner
Sounds great right?! WRONG!
Well we placed our order and they brought out my friends order before mine, and I was waiting and waiting and waiting, so I asked the waitress "Hey where's my food!" She replied with "something that did not even make any sense" otherwise I would of typed it out.
So then I'm waiting and waiting and waiting...FINALLY my food arrives and it was amazing, to bad it took so god damn long"
I was not impressed and therefore we did not leave a tip! (Actually I never leave a tip EVER! I'm not going to throw away MY MONEY to anybody, and the very few times I have left a tip was only because they gave EXCEPTIONAL service, which by my standards are very very high, so rarely have a given a tip, which only says something BAD about the service industry I think)
Believe me I know the service industry, I have only worked in it my WHOLE life :)
Well that's all folks thanks for coming out ta ta :P

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