“Better To Write For Yourself And Have No Public Than To Write For The Public And Have No Self” –Cyril Connolly


Wednesday, February 26, 2014


I have been reading three books, of which their sole purpose is to be read on a daily basis. These types of books are meant to give you short and sweet (well not always “sweet”) insightful and thought provoking reads. I am going to type out all three to share with you. Maybe it will help you in whatever you are going through. They certainly helped me. Oh and I guess I should talk briefly about why these three books.
Book #1: Courage to Change, One day at a time in Al-Anon II.
This book is intended to help those who have an active alcoholic in their lives. It is something new that I have incorporated into my life that has proven to be beneficial to me.  

Book #2: Daily Reflections.
This book is for alcoholics (active or recovering) People who suffer from the disease of alcoholism (Me!)

Book #3: Healing after loss, Daily meditations for working through grief, By Martha Whitmore Hickmen.
This book is self-explanatory. I have been around a lot of death both physically, mentally, & spiritually. And I have found with each encounter, my thoughts and feelings are ever changing. This book helps on the subject of death & grief. It is very helpful. It gives a new take on death & grief with every page which is immensely helpful.

Ok here we go...


We all make mistakes. But hopefully, as we apply the Al-Anon program and continue to grow in self-awareness, we will learn from those mistakes. Amends can be made from any harm we've done, and we can change our behavior and attitudes so that we wont repeat the same errors. Thus, even painful past experiences can help us learn to create a better future.  

The greatest obstacle to this learning process is shame. Shame is an excuse to hate ourselves today for something we did or didn't do in the past. There is no room in a  shame-filled mind for the fact that we did our best at the time, no room to accept that as human beings we are bound to make mistakes.

If we feel ashamed, I need a reality check because my thinking is probably distorted. Even though is may take great courage, if I share about it with an Al-Anon friend, I will interrupt the self-destructive thoughts and make room for more loving and nurturing point of view. With a little help, I may discover that even my most embarrassing moments can bless my life by teaching me to turn in a more positive direction.

Today’s Reminder

Today I will love myself enough to recognize shame as an error in judgment.

The ultimate lesson all of us have to learn is unconditional love, which includes not only others but ourselves as well” –Elisabeth Kubler-Ross



A.A is no success story in the ordinary sense of the word. It is a story of suffering transmuted, under grace, into spiritual progress.  –As Bill Sees It, p.35

Upon entering A.A. I listened to others talk about the reality of their drinking: loneliness, terror and pain. As I listened further, I soon heard a description of a very different kind- the reality of sobriety. It is a reality of freedom and happiness, of purpose and direction, and of serenity and peace with God, ourselves and others. By attending meetings I am reintroduced to that reality, over and over. I see it in the eyes and hear it in the voices of those around me. By working the program I find the direction and strength with which to make it mine. The joy of A.A is that this new reality is available to me.


Again rises from the heart of suffering the ancient cry, O God, why? O God, hoe long? And the cry is met with silence. –Jim Cotter

Some days we seem to be managing pretty well, confident we can face the future. There are other days-and nights-when we feel utterly abandoned, left in a dark room alone, when the universe seems a vast and unfriendly place. It is hard to remember that we ever felt any other way, or believe we’ll ever feel better again. Truly we have entered upon “the dark night of the soul.” Does it help to know that over the centuries this despair has been shared by many, that even in this desolation we have the company of saints and pilgrims, a myriad of fellow sufferers? For even as our pain in particular to us alone, even as our loved one was unique in all the world, perhaps we can rest back-just a little-on the knowledge that multitudes in the human family  have walked where we walk.

While there are things we can do to be ready for a brighter time-get enough rest, eat properly, read, pray, talk with people-the prevailing wisdom seems to be that such dark nights are simply to be endured, waited out. They will not last forever. And one day-perhaps as a surprise-we will realize the cloud has lifted.

If I am feeling down today, it doesn't mean I will forever.   


All three hit on the mark for me today. It’s so comforting to know that I am not alone. I typed these out for YOU. YES you! The reader. I feel that by doing so, maybe I can help/reach out to someone out there in cyberspace. Maybe I will maybe not, but it felt great to do this for someone else. Well thanks for stopping by my blog and reading this post.

-XOXO VanCityGirl83 <3

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