“Better To Write For Yourself And Have No Public Than To Write For The Public And Have No Self” –Cyril Connolly


Monday, April 02, 2012


Well the program is coming to an end this WEEK!!! Thank goodness, I am loosing my mind and my brain is completely fried. Unfortunately, this does not mean that I am 100% free and clear, I still have to study for my F.A.L final next week. So one last time I will be spending my weekends studying, ALL WEEKEND. I will be prepared and confident in my ability to write an essay from scratch. With no research, draw from what I KNOW.
 Today I realized that people are on their own path, each person has their own journey. Some people feel comfortable doing the bare minimal, it may produce results now but the same technique will not work later on in life. You will be hit with harsh realities and not be prepared, it will feel as if life itself is going against everything you have ever planned for yourself. However, these are characteristics of a young person (of body and mind) any fool can produce minimal efforts. There is no skill in that. You are only depriving yourself of valuable knowledge.  I have been in this place myself, it is why I am able to speak about it and describe how it feels.  

Youth these days think they know how to party and what they are doing has never been done before, but its people like me who set the bar, I have been partying and drinking and doing drugs since before you were born. I did not just go to some dinky little house party, I partied in mansions, had millionaire friends, rode in new & different cars every couple of months (cars that were completely modified aftermarket everything, you name it we had it). When we partied, we had DJ’s top shelf alcohol not any of that cheap ass shit that comes in a box. We had premium drugs, always the best nothing else would do. Our friends were DJ’s in the local Vancouver scene; we went to the best raves where DJ’s from all over the world came. We partied at Plaza Nations, before it was a casino, it hosted the best raves in Vancouver, and I was there. You can never have that.

I have lived multiple lives in a short time period. I have come very far from the person I use to be. I may have had the life, but afterwards, I hit a bottom that was unfathomable, I have done things that in a million years I would have never done, you have no idea what I have done or what I am capable of. People who do know what I am capable of were scared of me, even my own family, but its only because my behavior was so erratic to put it mildly. (VERY mildly) This version I am giving you is the candy coated version. Only my closest friends get to know the true/real me. I do not share myself with everyone, it is to exhausting, I don’t let people into my life very easily.     

Now I am disciplined, honest, reliable, I am leader in my community, and to my people. I am a role model. You get to learn from my mistakes, if you cease the opportunity.

Well that is it for today, thanx for stopping bye, have a great night –XOXO VanCityGirl83