“Better To Write For Yourself And Have No Public Than To Write For The Public And Have No Self” –Cyril Connolly


Friday, March 30, 2012


Well today was a nice short day as usual. Learning strategies with Joyce, we worked on our papers that are due for F.A.L to tell you the truth I much prefer to work on F.A.L with Joyce than thee alternative. We only have 4 days of class left and two more finals. I have a plan to study for both. Today I went to Blenz for coffee no big surprise, but I did try something new, I have a Belgium dark chocolate mocha latte it was really good. Other than that after class, I went home, relaxed, and then around 4:30-5pm I left to go study @ UBC. We arrived and went to go to The Pit Pub, which looks like a creeper bar where anyone could be rapped. Anyways we grabbed a quick bit it was strictly sustenance. Not very good quality, and very dissatisfying. Went to the Irvine Learning Centre for a couple of hour then left. Hit up Starbucks on the way back and began my trek home. Well I am goin to bed tired and need to study all day tomorrow. Have a great one guys. –XOXO VanCityGirl83