“Better To Write For Yourself And Have No Public Than To Write For The Public And Have No Self” –Cyril Connolly


Tuesday, January 10, 2012


So today was a short day as well. We started at 12:30pm unfortunately there was a slight conflict in schedule the professor thought that class started at 1pm we were told it started at 12:30, we waited 20 minutes and were all going leave at 1pm if no one showed up.

So 12:50pm our professor showed up we started class, which was Foundations Of Academic Writing. As the teacher outlined the course I realized how much I am going to enjoy this class. I have always done well in the English department and have always received appraise in regards to my writing I believe that it is one of my talents. In fact I intend on taking a creative writing program after I finish this semester.

We went threw the syllabus so now we know exactly what kind of material we will be covering, class-by-class. We started out by writing about a major success in our lives, we were asked to write it in note or point form. Shortly after that we were asked to share our experiences with a classmate. Then we were asked to summarize in a paragraph what we talked about/wrote down in point form.

I thoroughly enjoyed myself. As the class went on my confidence grew, as I realized how much of an asset it was that my passion is to write. I could write forever about how much I love writing. Later on in the course we will be asked to write a 300-500-word critique. Which I can say with absolute confidence is going to be a “piece of cake”. Being that I am a avid blogger an average post runs well over that word count. In fact I have wrote many that were 1000+!

I do want to add though I am a creative writer; I am not a perfect writer. I suck at spelling/grammar & sometimes sentence structure and have never wrote an essay in my life (well that I can remember). I defiantly know what my weaknesses are. But I feel that given the tools & training that these issues are nominal. 

So on a last note we were given an assignment, which is to write about a major event in our lives. Let me tell you I have jotted down some ideas and it’s going to be hard for me to pick one as I wrote down seven ideas. So even though this was a short day yet again, I learnt a lot about my classmates and myself. Tomorrow is going to be our first full day of studies, we will be starting at 9:30am and going until 3:30pm.

I hope that you are enjoying this journey with my as it is my pleasure to share it with you. Until tomorrow, sleep tight :D

P.S: This post is almost 500 (479) words jus sayin lol :P  

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