“Better To Write For Yourself And Have No Public Than To Write For The Public And Have No Self” –Cyril Connolly


Sunday, November 20, 2011

My Love for Wolves

Ever since I was a little girl I have always been fascinated with wolves. Secretly I wanted to be one or be reincarnated as on in my next life; maybe I was in my previous life. I have always been drawn to them, something about them calls to my soul. When I hear a howl, I feel like it’s calling me home. I have great respect and admiration for towards them. It just so happens that “The Wolf” is on of my nine totem animals. Which further proves to me that I do have a natural affinity to them.

Right now I am watching a T.V program on knowledge network about the Coastal Wolf and how they are so unique. It also talks about how man has come into their territory the Great Bear Rainforest and is developing and logging the forest. The Great Bear Forest is part of an even larger forest system called The Pacific Temperate Rainforest Eco Region.

The impact of commercial logging has such a severe impact on the environment it delivers a devastating blow. Regardless of the logging/foresting company’s replace the torn down trees with seedlings, which is fairly insignificant considering that these alleged seedlings will take centuries to grow back to its former glory, its fare to say that our grandchildren and our grandchildren’s children will not see the benefit’s of the full grown tree’s. This saddens me deeply. This particular region exists as it did hundreds of years ago. Sometimes I am astonished at our own actions as humans, they way we are addicted to fossil fuel, controlled by huge corporations that depend on fossil fuel, I mean the list could go on and on to go truly green would crash our entire economy. Politician’s pockets get thin and we all suffer. Slowly but surely we are destroying this planet. 

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