“Better To Write For Yourself And Have No Public Than To Write For The Public And Have No Self” –Cyril Connolly


Thursday, May 26, 2011

Just like any other day...

Woke up at a descent hour today. Which is unusual because I am a night owl and usually up all night and sleep all day...but these last few days I have been going to bed early and waking up early. It's a nice change. Anyways today is Thursday and its the one week marker till I celebrate 2 years of sobriety/clean time. Technically I have been sober for 4 years (July of 2007) however I had chose to do other things (smoked on joint and popped pills for a month) A large part of me did not want to change my clean date, but I figure its just a date, it wouldn't  change the what I had learnt since that date, I would just have a new one. I had thought to my self hey I am not in N.A so what the big deal, I didn't drink so why should I have to change it. I'll tell you why because this is a HONEST program, this is what my new life is all about and if I start to build it on lies then I would surely be heading for trouble. I am a woman of integrity now. I don't lie about stupid shit, there are consequences to my actions. I knew that when I decided to smoke a joint or pop a pill. And in the long run both experiences tought me that doing that stuff was no longer something that I was interested in anymore. I like having a clean mind and conscience. I no longer have to keep track of my lies because there are non. Also once I had opened up about what I had done I found that my experiences had helped others to, other people herd me speak and told me that they too where thinking about doing what I did, but after hearing what I had to say about it and how it made me feel. They had come to the conclusion that it was not longer something that they wanted to do! I had turned a negative into a positive, and by being honest with myself and other I taught the people closest around me that I can be trusted to tell the truth should I make another mistake (of which I am sure I will make cause I am only human, I'm not some super human being just because I decided not to drink anymore, though I'd like to think that sometimes, and not to imply that I have future plans of trying other drugs or whatever)  So thats it for now ttul :P

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